Monday, September 16, 2013

Warm up for personal essay 9-22-13

Remember to write your full name and class period on the first line of your entry.
Choose from one of the warm up exercises below and write at least a fifteen sentence response:

  • Stranger than Fiction--Once in a while something happens that's stranger than fiction, something that you couldn't even make up.  Write about something you saw or experienced that's stranger than fiction.
  • Rant--Pick a topic, a pet peeve, and rant about it for at least fifteen sentences.
  • Boring for Fun--Pick a topic that's really boring and write about it for at least fifteen sentences.

Have fun, be creative, and be entertaining.
Speak for the silent. Stand up for the broken.


  1. Madison Ferris Period: 4

    If there's one thing I hate, it's spiders. Spiders are so creepy and unpredictable. I hate when spiders are in showers, or in your room, right as you're about to go to bed. I think spiders should stay outside where they belong. Spiders are just so annoying and freaky. They crawl so fast. I hate when you turn around for a second and they're gone. It's funny, because they're so small in comparison to us, spiders shouldn't really be something to be afraid of. But I especially hate daddy long legs. Daddy long legs are very repulsive. I also hate spiders with sacks on their backs, that look like they could pop. I hate how spiders obviously have no noise, so they just creep up the wall or move across the carpet, until you glance over and notice. I hate being in confined spaces with spiders too. When I hear about the rare spider bite, it's freaky. People say we swallow spiders while sleeping. Spiders are hairy and long and run across surfaces very fast, which I don't like. Spiders give me the chills. Spiders, big or small, I hate them all!

  2. If there's one thing I truly hate, it's the way people treat each other at Woodinville High School. When did we all lose our minds and decide it was okay to harass one another or exclude people from certain groups? And is it really that hard to go an entire day without talking about someone behind their back? I'm not saying I'm an angel. Yes, I have taken part in mean behavior and in no way am I saying I am immune to it. Last year I only had a few classes at Woodinville, and would leave after third period to take classes at Cascadia Community College, so I wasn't around much to see or hear about anything that was going on. However, in the last two weeks that I've been going to Woodinville full time, I am disgusted with the way I've seen others treat the people around them. Today I came to school a little earlier than I usually do, and there were multiple kids who were either sitting by themselves on the floor in the hallway, or standing by themselves near the office, and I could tell by the look on their face that they were dreading the rest of their day. Now I know it's not unusual to look that way when you're in school at 7am, but this was different, and if I could go back in time to exactly 7:04am this morning, I would truly make an effort to talk to at least one person that looked like they needed some cheering up. I know I'm probably not capable of making a significant change, but this is me saying that I will honestly make an effort each day to have a positive attitude and be nice to everyone. It's just like what the motivational speaker, Mike, was saying to us last week during the assembly. What do you want to be remembered for? Personally I thought that was a great message for Woodinville. It's not something we think about very often, but we should. I think it's about time we all get over ourselves, and make an effort to treat each other with more kindness.

  3. Mack Ohnemus
    Period 3
    Prompt 3

    I think we need to talk about something incredibly important. What could this be you ask? Water, of course! Water is a central necessity in our lives. Without it, we can only survive 3 days. Every year 3.4 million people die from water born illnesses, so make sure the water you drink is clean. To change gears, lets dive into the chemistry of water. Water is a compound made up of two elements. One atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen. Water can exist in 3 states of matter: gas(as steam or water vapor), liquid(as water, drinkable), and solid(as ice). Water changes from liquid to gas (boiling point) at 100°C(212°F) and from liquid to solid(freezing point, or melting point if going from solid to liquid) at 0°C(32°F). As water cools and turns solid, it expands, and is know to cause leaking pipes in freezing conditions. Water can hold 35 grams(1.2oz) in every 1 kilogram(2.2lbs) of water. Pure water has no taste or smell, and has a pH level of 7. Water covers 70% of earth. Some people associate water with the cause of over population, as it only gives us 30% of Earth to hold over 7 billion people. Most people assume the longest river in America is the Mississippi River, but it is actually the Missouri River, which is 20 miles longer. If the water level were to rise ten meters, 25% of American people would be flooded. All of this has been about water on Earth, but what about on other planets? On Mars, water has been found in ice form on its polar ice caps, and scientists believe there is also some in liquid form on the planet. Now that's out of this world!

  4. Brandon Penoyer, Period 3
    Prompt #2 Rant
    Let me tell you... about high school. So much about it fails to make any sense to me. For instance: Time. It's a tested scientific fact that older teenagers need more sleep than younger kids. And, I think it's obvious that we stay up longer as well. So why in the world would they have us get up so early? SO much EARLIER than everyone else from school? I understand we need more time for homework, as 6 classes can really pile it up, but I'd rather have more time to sleep in in the morning. I think most teenagers would agree with me on this point. That brings me to another point. Teachers seem to forget you have 6 classes every day. With 3-4 of them assigning projects and homework everyday, it gets hard remembering and managing to do it all every single day. If even one cut back a little, it would help an awful lot. Luckily, my schedule at least isn't as hectic as it used to be. I guess I should count myself lucky, at least in that regard.

  5. Nessa Broughton
    Period 3
    Prompt 2
    You know what is really annoying to a person with a passion for all things large and reptilian? Badly drawn dragons. No let me expound upon that. Dragons drawn with their heads too large and their wings to short. I could provide countless examples of 'realistically' drawn dragons that are in mid flight but have a wing structure so simplistic it would come crashing to the ground.
    The beasts of course are not real and it doesn't matter how you draw your dragons but there is a large difference between artistic license and plain negligence. You could at least take a passing glance at the bones of a bat and pretend to draw a creature that could achieve if not flight but a noble attempt at gliding.
    It is simply shameful to a fantasy lover and an artist (and someone fascinated by biology and evolution) to see dragons with their 'armored' bodies taking off from the flat ground. It has been proven that the creatures most like dragons, the pterodactyls had to jump from cliffs to take flight. A dragon (With armor) would be too heavy. The pterodactyls used warm air called up drafts from the oceans to climb higher once air born. Many 'cool' looking dragons have wings far to small to be able to take advantage of this natural boost. They would have to rely solely on their own energy to be able to fly, to get energy they would have to hunt.
    That brings us to our next topic. Dragons are too large to be able to sustain that kind of muscle mass. Think of our school's foot ball team, Have you ever seen one eat lunch? It's like watching subsistence disappear into a pink fleshy void of muscle. That is the kind of appetite a Dragon that large would need to be able to take off and keep flying....or to win the home game. But what would happen if their food source was scarce? They would starve and die, most likely becoming prey themselves.
    They would need to be much smaller to be able to take in enough food to be able to survive and not destroy the ecosystem, or perhaps not fly at all. Which drakes (flightless cousins of the dragons) are a completely different rant that I will not go into but they are amazing and if I could engineer any creature it would be a drake.
    If you are a fan of the supper large beasts I recommend looking at any real flying animal, past or present and then try to tell me that the standard looking dragon could fly.

  6. Kate Matthews P3
    Prompt 2

    I don't normally rant about anything, but something that needs to be talked about is the stigma society has against people with depression. People think it's hilarious to mimic slitting their wrists or a noose tightening around their neck when something they don't like happens. I'm sure people aren't trying to be malicious, but when people do that, it is insensitive, triggering, and plain old unoriginal. People don't seem to realize that people who suffer from depression are drawn to self-harm and even suicide because their minds are distorted. People say it's selfish to commit suicide. Well, I've been on the brink of suicide more times than I can count on one hand, and it was never my intent to hurt anyone. To be selfish is to consciously be thinking of only yourself. When you're depressed, who else can you think of but yourself? Everything else is cast out of your mind save how hopeless, how worthless you feel. People don't consider how much people suffer, and then when they actually get the help they need in the form of medicine and/or therapy, they get scorned for it. If you had kidney failure, you'd take medicine to correct it. How is it any different to take a pill to correct a chemical imbalance in your brain? As a depressed teenager, I feel like the world is judging me no matter what I do. Speaking of teenagers, many of them are depressed. It's a sad but true fact. Unfortunately, their depression can be romanticized by things like Tumblr and other social media. For some, it might be a coping skill, but it seems like it might just be spurning on their sadness. I hope more people seek out help for depression, because it is a masochistic disease: you crave the sadness, and you feel like it'll go on forever, but there are simple ways to fix it. With support and possibly medication, things will get better if you let them.

  7. Andrew Park

    Period 3. Blog#2

    Although I don't rant about a lot of things, one big thing that annoys me as a sports fan is BANDWAGONING. First of all, there are 2 types of fans for a certain sports team regardless of what sport it is. There are loyal fans and bandwagon fans. Loyal fans should be considered fans because they show true support to the team regardless of the team's current status. Bandwagon fans SHOULD NOT be considered fans at all. They only support a team only because of current success mostly due to a majority of star players occupying the team's roster. Some fans consider themselves as "diehard" fans for a certain team. One excuse is that their favorite player is on the roster of the team that significantly gained winning potential. Being a fan of a player does not equal being a loyal fan of a sports team. Another excuse is derived from their prediction that the team they "pretend" to support will win the championship no matter what. Favorites to win don't always gain that achievement. Every sports fan must realize that every sports team has its moments of glory and other moments of mediocrity. Bandwagon fans mindlessly believe that their team they're supporting has to win everything. Once their initial supporting team falls into phase of mediocrity, all they'll do is ditch that team and find a new winning team to support and claim to be loyal fans. A true loyal fan would maintain their passion for the team even if they fall into a phase of disappointing seasons. If you're gonna name yourself as a loyal fan of a sports team, show your passion and loyalty for it.

  8. Ashley Barnett
    Prompt #2

    I work at Cold Stone, the ice cream store. It's an awesome job cause I get to eat a lot of ice cream and work with some pretty cool people and my boss is nice but I can't stand some of the things customers say to us as workers. Here is a list of the top things customers say to workers, they range from trying to be witty to just rude, but either way we hear them a lot so stop saying them!

    1) “Wow your arms must be really strong.” First problem with this is my arms are by no means strong… at all. You can tell by simply looking at me that I’m not very strong. Especially since I always struggle to just scoop the ice cream before I actually have to work even harder to mix it. Second problem is of course we have gotten a little stronger because we have to mash up brownies and frozen cookie dough into your ice cream, so the customer is just stating the obvious. Even if this is meant to just be a nice compliment we do hear it a lot and I kindly request for all you customer out there to be a little more original.

    2) “This doesn’t look like the picture.” Of course the ice cream doesn’t look like the picture. If you watch the process of us actually mixing the ice cream any sane person will realize that it isn’t going to look like the picture. We literally have to mash and smash you ice cream on a rock, (it’s probably not going to look like the picture.)

    3) “I would ‘love’ some coffee ice cream.” Many customers like to try and be witty and say the size like it, love it, and gotta have it in that kind of format. Now some customers accidently do this instead of intentionally so you can never tell whether they actually need it or not. I appreciate people trying to be witty and funny but I can’t handle it 3 times a shift.

    These are the top three main things that bug me about customers. Now I want to clarify that I love my actual job and most customers that come in. I’m only complaining about the very few who overestimate how funny they are, state the obvious, or make rude remarks about our ice cream.

  9. Maiah Swigert
    Prompt #2

    I tend to have a problem with people. No I cannot fathom exactly why I have a dislike for most people. A lot of people just seriously get on my nerves, that's why you probably won't see me hanging around with large groups of people.
    But, a major problem that I have with people is their naivete. There's this fellow student of ours that I sit close to in one of my classes--They claim they know everything when it comes to news headlines, politics, and current foreign affairs. I am not saying that I do. But YOU, sir, you don't. Like the weird little student that I am, I honestly spend my own time watching news and reading and researching so that I am actually aware of what's going on with our country and other countries. So when people say they know all about something and then spurt out false information like no other... it drives me up the wall.
    Another problem I have is when people make jokes about terrible things that have happened in the past. I have recently heard some awful 'jokes' about the Sandy Hook shooting. They are not funny, nothing about the incident is funny. Also, 'jokes' about Columbine (This happened April 20, 1999 when two students of Columbine High School showed up and shot down every student that they didn't like)and my cousin went to the school as this all went down- Luckily he survived it. And the Batman shooting at the Century 16 theatre in Aurora, CO on June 20, 2012- I am from Aurora and one of the teenage boys that was shot and killed, AJ Boik, I was a friend of his so please don't talk about this incident like it's a joke.
    I can see that people are maybe trying to make light of the subject and what has gone on- but it's NOT funny and I definitely do NOT want to hear it.

  10. Laney McFarland
    Period 4
    Prompt #2
    I have a lot of pet peeves, but one I feel strongly about is animal abuse. For the last 2 years i have been volunteering at an animal shelter. I have seen and heard some truly horrific stories. By this I mean, the kinds that just make you want to cringe. To most semi-normal people, it seems like how could anybody hurt a harmless animal? But to others they just don't care or maybe they are heartless. Either way I can't fathom how it happens. I remember one specific time coming in Saturday morning at 9 and hearing the news of cat that had been dropped off an abandoned at the shelter. No older than probably 2 or maybe 3 years, he was covered in grease and unhealthily skinny. It just hurts me to see him, he was beautiful with big blue eyes and a silky gray coat. That day I lost a little bit of faith in humanity. The shelter isn't the only place I see animal abuse, its happening everywhere in the meat industries. I hope eventually more people will realize what's really going on and take an action to stop it.

  11. Arthur Gulledge, Period 4
    Prompt #2
    Do you know what’s impossible? Following a silent film with your eyes closed. You can try to listen to the music soundtrack, if there even is one, and that may not even follow along with the movie. When you know the plot, you still can’t exactly know what’s happening, because the music is repetitive. Those were the days when a picture moving was a magic trick.
    Film has a very interesting history with special effects. In the late 1800’s, huge machines were invented to capture photographs. Those would be captured rapidly one after another, to create a perception of motion. This motion would create the movie on stage, but more work will be done later for the special effects. One of the earliest special effect was by Alfred Clarke in The Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots in 1895. Effects would evolve with every film, and director. One of the most famous special effect of the silent movie age was the man in the moon, in the film Voyage dans la Lune, or A Trip to the Moon. Directed by Georges Méliès, this was an epic 20 minute adventure. The silent film era ended when the Audion amplifer tube was perfected, and the invention of the Vitaphone made synced sound possible in Cinemas. The first feature-length film to utilize this new technology was The Jazz Singer directed by Alan Crosland in 1927.

  12. Arezu Abdollmohammadi
    Period 4
    Prompt #2
    I have many pet peeves, but if i had to pick one to rant about, it would be people who snore and breathe really loudly. I cannot stand when friends sleep over and snore all night. I will push them and put pillows on their face when they are sleeping. When I was at bootcamp over the summer, there was a girl who would snore as loud as a train and all us girls would constantly be pushing her in the middle of the night to try and wake her up so she would stop. The sound of someone snoring makes me wanna rip my hair out. When i go on vacations with my family, i always have to bring a set of ear plugs or else I wont get any sleep on the trip. Sucks when your whole family snores. I also hate when its really quite and i can hear someone breathing. I mean obviously everyone needs to breathe but I hate it when i can hear it. Especially during a test at school. There was one time when i was taking a test and the girl next to me was breathing so loud. I could not focus on the test because the sound of her breathing right next to me was driving me insane. So if you snore or breathe really loudly, stay away from me!!

  13. Mallori Lindberg
    Period 4

    Ever since I was young my parents could hardly keep me out of the water, I grew up spending my Summers at my cabin on Hood Canal. Everyday I'd be either tubing or swimming with my cousins, I would literally tie a rope from my lifejacket to the dock and bob for hours on end in the water until I was called in for dinner. Since then, not much has changed. I swim for the WHS team, and I lifeguard and teach swim lessons at the Redmond Pool. Both of those combined leave me practically living at the pool, and I love it. There are so many perks of being a swimmer; you never sweat, you're always clean, and you can think about literally anything for hours while you have your face in the water swimming endless laps. Although, I always smell like chlorine, I think it'd be safe to say I sweat pure pool water. Another perk to working and swimming at the pool is I get to spend several hours a day with one of my best friends Danielle. It's our getaway from school, home and everything else in our lives. After working there for a couple years we can do as much as we want..and as little as we want. We both have learned so much about serving people, life skills, and how to work with kids all ages. Working there has given me experiences I would've never imagined I'd have this young. There's no other place I'd rather spend my afternoons and mornings than at the pool with my teammates and best friends.

  14. Gracie Legg Period 3
    Prompt #2
    One thing that I hate the most is when people are judgemental. They have no place to be judging because in their lifetime I'm sure they have made a similar mistake or decision that others may not have agreed with. These days people are quick to judge, and its not fair. People don't even consider other peoples feelings. They just make judgements based off of a first look. I think everyone should be given a chance. I don't like how people don't even give you a chance. When they first see you they will judge you based on how you dress, or how you talk. People won't even get to know you before they make judgements that can often times be incorrect. It really bothers me how people in today's society hardly care about each other. If a rumor is going around about somebody people will usually believe it because they are so immature. Things like that bring peoples self esteem down and its like they never even had a chance. I think that people should accept others for how they are , and if they don't have the same beliefs or don't agree, leave it alone. Let the other person live how they want to. Nobody has the right to tell someone how to live their life. Nothing bothers me more than when people judge each other.

  15. Elena Wagar
    3 per.
    One of my biggest pet peeves is when people who chew with their mouth open.It makes us feel insane. Be it gum, cereal, bananas, we are glad you are enjoying it, but we would all prefer to neither hear it, nor see it. It is disgusting. What makes it even worse is when people talk with food in their mouth and you can see everything that is happening to the food they are eating inside their mouths. Not only does it look gross but it sounds gross too.
    I get so frustrated because my grandpa does it, so I basically go crazy whenever we have family get togethers. Not only do they not close their mouth when they chew, but they also TALK while they are chewing...It annoys me.

  16. Noah Manns-Taylor
    Per. 3
    Pet Peeve
    One of my biggest pet peeves is when my little brothers are disrespectful to my parents. I have 2 little brothers and they're both incredibly rude to my parents, and I can't comprehend why. My older brother and I could not be different than them in this way. I could never find any reason to be rude to my parents because I believed I didn't have the right, no matter how I felt my parents were still my parents and even if i disagreed with them I always respected them and listened to what they had to say. My little brothers for some reason have a completely opposite mindset and could not be more disrespectful to them. This extends past my family and to other people who do the same thing with their parents. I know people who will cuss at their parents and scream at them and treat them like dirt and I could never understand it.

  17. Lily Kristjanson
    Period 3
    Stranger Than Fiction

    Who would ever expect a chicken to be aggressive? Well, they can be. Of all the chickens I have had, all have been your typical pet chickens, laying eggs, eating bugs, and making lots noise. All but one, El Diablo Pollo (The Devil Chicken), who was originally named Cheese, started out as your average pet chicken. As El Diablo aged something changed and not for the better. To get to my barn from my house, I have to pass the chicken coop. Traveling this route one day; El Diablo Pollo was waiting for me on the gavel path. As I approached the chicken trying to get to my destination, El Diablo charged me at full speed. Standing still in astonishment, wondering what was happening, El Diablo attacked my leg with its razor sharp talons. Kicking El Diablo off me, I sprinted back to my house screaming to share what I had just experienced with my family. To no surprise, they all though I was making up the attack. To prove I wasn't, I heading back out, making my family follow me, and this time, brought a tennis racket for protection. As I worked my way back out to the barn, El Diablo Pollo was again waiting for me on the gravel path. With my family standing back watching, I slowly walked towards Diablo with my racket out. El Diablo came charging and I went running. We played a game of cat and mouse around the chicken coop for a solid ten minutes, until I smacked it with the racket and narrowly escaped back towards my house. My family stood in silence and then burst out into historical laughter, saying they’d never seen such a sight in their lives.

  18. Madison Sutton
    Period 4
    Pet Peeve

    One of my greatest pet peeves would have to be people who don't use their turn signals while driving. Apparently, many of us aren't aware of how to use them! I don't care if your signals don't work, that's what hand signals are for...USE THOSE! There is no excuse for not using your blinkers when driving. If you're drinking coffee, put your drink down and signal. If you're doing your makeup, put the lipstick down and signal. If you're on the phone, first of all, that's illegal, so put your phone down and signal! Not only is it required by law that we signal when switching lanes or turning, but it's also common courtesy to let other drivers know your intentions on the road. Using your blinkers can prevent accidents from happening. It's that simple. By not using your blinkers, not only are you risking your life, but you are risking other people's lives who are sharing the road with you. I mean let's be honest, who wants to die from simply not using their turn signal? Your grave stone would say your name and underneath, it would say "Forgot to use turn signal". Uh, how embarrassing is that? That's pretty pathetic! There are plenty other ways to die that are worth sacrificing your life but turn signals are not one of them! You can signal and be on time to work or you can choose not to signal and be an hour late to work because you got into an accident. Next time you decide that you don't want to use your turn signal because you're too cool or just lazy, remember, you're choosing to put others' lives on the line, let alone your own. And your life is not worth that choice.

  19. One of my biggest pet peeves is hearing people complain. Complaining isn't completely annoying to me, it can be funny, a way to vent, even a conversation starter. But when people don't stop whining about how terrible their lives are because they are just so stressed out about homecoming and homework, I get annoyed. High school is one of the easiest times in your life and if you cant take the little bit of pressure without crying about it everyday, learn some new coping methods. I'm stressed out too, and so is everyone else you see. Are you living in a 3rd world country where even having a school within 20 miles of you is a rare chance, and where there's criminals and rebels killing everyone you know and using chemical weapons on you? Nope. As far as stressful environments go, we all lucked out. Count your blessings and be grateful for the ridiculous amount of homework you have and the opportunities you're forced to have, because even if you don't want to do them, in the end they aren't that bad and are designed to make you succeed. Again, complaining at times can be fun but when you make it a show to have people feel bad for you, I just hear ignorance. Then they complain about being stressed out without realizing the only thing stressing themselves out is themselves. Realize your potential and understand that you can get through this cakewalk called highschool! In the long run, its not hard, especially when you compare it to most other times and places in history.

  20. Kristina Lebakken
    Period 4

    Prompt #2

    I have many pet peeves, and things that just urk me the wrong way. One of them is ill mannered people. Whether its chewing with your mouth open, not holding the door open for someone behind you, or even just not using those "magic words." I was always taught to do these things as a child so they have stuck. But it drives me crazy when I hold the door or pick something up for someone and they don't even say thank you! I also hate it when people chew with their mouth open. For one it looks disgusting, and two it sounds disgusting. Just keep it shut! Another pet peeve of mine, that goes along with ill mannered people, is disrespectful people. People that just make rude comments and ignore boundaries. Just have some respect for others! You don't know what's going on in their life, or if they are having a bad day. If your going to make a snide remark or rude action just think twice. Not everyone finds your rude, smart aleck, sarcastic humor funny so just keep it to yourself. Be nice, have manners, say thank you when I hold the door open for you, and you can bet I will like you.

  21. Sophea Thach
    Period 4
    Prompt #2

    My rant is going to be about going to concerts and shows and how some guys touch girls inappropriately. A couple days ago, I went to this concert and I don't think I and a few other girls have felt so violated. I went to this concert to have fun and listen to live music and to let loose. Not to be groped by some random guy who was just gross and mean. It started with him just trying to get up to the front where the barriers are because that's where everyone wants to go to get close to the band playing. He pushed and shoved anybody in his way and he was a big strong guy that I not anybody else wouldn't have wanted to mess with. This guy would just take up a big amount of space on the standing floor of the concert venue. And when pushed or shoved, he wouldn't budge at all. He was trying really hard to just get in the front of everyone. That was when a girl started yelling at him. Telling us that he was touching and grabbing her inappropriately. I got so furious because who would even do such a thing? At a show, people should feel a bit safe and have fun. Not to be touched and groped inappropriately by some random guy.

  22. Mark Gibbons
    Period 4

    when it comes to animals, my favorite one to own is a cat. They are soft and furry and don't require lots of attention. I have a cat named Simon and he is the best animal I've had. All he does is lie down and sleep which is great. I don't have to take him on walks and he doesn't smell bad like dogs. According to the human society, 84.6 million Americas own cats. However, only 78.2 million Americans own dogs. That shows how much more cats are liked then dogs. I don't get what's the big deal with dogs. They don't do anything cool. They can do tricks but you have to teach them which would be annoying. Dogs bark a lot too. Its loud and really annoying. Cats on the other hand are quite and don't make a lot of noise. So, now you see how amazing cats are. Hopefully, you go out and buy a cat instead of a dog.

  23. Mimi Gerhardt, Period 4
    Prompt #2: Pet Peeves

    Admittedly, I do have many complaints and things I could go on for paragraphs about, but one of the most irritable pet peeves, in my opinion, is when someone lacks in being polite. When someone does something kind for you, say thank you! When someone asks if you want anything, say please! It doesn't take that much of an effort to add some manners to your conversation. Plus, you just look ignorant and rude without those magic words. If someone goes out of their way to hold a door open for you, take the time to say "thank you". It absolutely irks me when someone is oblivious to common courtesy, as well. I remember when my mom drove me and a few friends to a book signing in fourth grade. One of the girls we brought lacked anything and everything to be the least amount of social acceptability, the author even called her out on it. Talk about embarrassing! When the night came to an end, we were looking for something quick to eat, as we missed dinner and it was late anyways. She refused any fast food establishment and demanded we ate at a sit-down restaurant. Not only was she extremely rude, she was also getting on everyone's nerves. I'm happy to say I've grown up with parents that care about how I treat others and have taught me to respond with "thank you"s and "please"s. I don't know what goes through people's heads when they only think about themselves, but they certainly don't understand the frustration I feel!

  24. Danielle Knapik
    Period 3

    The one and only thing I can't stand about people is an inability to make successful plans. Is it really that hard for someone to say, Yes I can come, or No I can't make it? In our world today, sending a text message can seriously take less than 5 seconds. You need to say yes or no, that will take you 3 seconds, and just that one reply will give me the smoothest piece of mind. But leaving it open ended and leaving me waiting? That's the worst feeling I have ever felt. There's nothing worse than thinking you have plans and waiting on someone else. You're getting ready, you're walking around the house, you're cleaning everything in sight to make things perfect. They said "I'll let you know at 6" and then you look at the clock and it's now 8:30. You have a self-realization that Hmm, maybe they aren't coming, I'll send them a text, only for them to not answer until 10 saying "I'm sorry tonight's not going to work." Seriously- you know these people have had their phones on them all night, but no, it's just a little too hard to take three seconds out of their damn days to let you know to not wait for them and to make other plans. It's entirely selfish, and maybe I'm the one wasting my time on the wrong people, but seriously- how hard can it be to just let someone know if you won't be coming over?

  25. Ashley Glinn
    Period 3
    Prompt #2

    One of my biggest pet peeves of all time is when someone thinks that they are better than someone else. I hate it when people will treat others like they are underneath them. They aren't. We are all people, and we deserve the be treated the same way. I hate it when I go to a store or a restaurant and a customer is yelling at a worker. The people working there are just trying to do their job, yelling at them won't solve anything. How would you like it if you were treated that way? No one should get special treatment just because they consider themselves to be better than the rest. It annoys me when I am at school and I see the "popular" crowd walking around and being treated like kings and queens. It's ridiculous. Soon enough we will be in college and it won't matter who was the most popular or the prettiest. You will be treated the same as everyone else. If you want to be treated well and with respect, be nice. Treat others the way you would want to be treated. Because as soon as you start ordering people around and treating them like they are your servants, they won't want to have anything to do with you. No one wants to be treated that way.

  26. Abbey Folsom
    period 3
    prompt 2

    My biggest pet peeve of all time would probably be when people don't listen to me or really just don't care about me. I coach a cheer squad of a bunch of 4th graders and the worst days are when they just don’t respect me and they don’t pay any attention to me whatsoever. No matter how hard I try to get their attention they just never want to listen to me, it has been so bad lately that I just give up and make them run a lap so they waste their time actually doing something rather than standing around and talking. They also don’t respect me as a coach which bugs the heck out of me because I volunteer my time to help coach them and for them not to even consider me as a coach hurts. I have been coaching for two years now and even the girls I had last year won’t call me their coach. No matter how many times the other coaches from the other squads tell them that I am a coach they still won’t listen. The one time they have actually considered me a coach this year was last practice when I was the only coach for them (there is normally one other “main” coach), and they really saw me as an authority figure. On Monday I was going to have to be alone but then the other coach for the younger squad joined our groups together because she doesn’t have a junior coach and desperately needs one. During practice, though, I would ask my girls questions about the dance we were learning and they wouldn’t listen to me at all, but they would totally listen to the other coach who isn’t even their coach. Luckily, the main coach for my squad was there on Saturday for our game and set the record straight that we both were their coaches and that the other coach for the younger squad is not their coach. It just bugs me how they still don’t see me as a coach and it has been a month and a half since we started the season. I have high expectations when it comes to respect. I expect people who I have authority over to respect me and to listen to what I have to say. Also when I say something I expect them to do what I say since I am in charge of them and in order for them to really learn they need to listen to me. This cheer season has probably been the most dramaful and stressful season yet and it isn’t even half over!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Spencer Read
    Period 4
    Prompt 2

    My biggest pet peeve, is when somebody pulls out in front of me very quickly. Not only that, but when they do so, and then drive slowly. It is such a drastic change in motives. Like, "Ohp, better get out in front of this guy in a big hurry!" Two seconds later, they figure, "Oh, well, now i'm in front, what's the rush?" I believe that it is common courtesy, to not waste people's time. If you are going to pull out in front of me in a big hurry, you'd damn well better drive like you're in a hurry. It's just... urhhhhhhhg. People are so inconsiderate. If I cut somebody off, I always drive quickly. Otherwise, I am just slowing them down, wasting their time. It is like a stop sign: take turns, and be nice. Be grown-ups, and share the road. That is why, unless I am planning on driving very quickly, I wait for a car to go by. I wait until there is a big gap, where I can take my time to get up to the speed limit, and not waste my fellow countrymen's time.
    If this essay sounded repetitive, that's good. After all, the point of ranting is to annoyingly bitch about your problems over and over in a person's ear until they don't like you, like I don't like buttholes cutting me off and slowing down.

  29. Isabelle Carson Period 3
    Stranger than fiction:
    On July 10, 2013, it was a normal summer day, sunny with no clouds in the sky. Like usual, I rolled out of bed around noon and scrounged for “breakfast” in the pantry. After I had eaten my cereal, I grabbed my laptop and headed back to my room. While I was watching the latest make-up tutorials on YouTube, I heard my dad start to yell. I looked out my window and there standing right in front of my garage was a large black bear surrounded by my three dogs. I ran downstairs and asked my dad why he left the dogs outside. He answered that he had just finished with some yard work and the dogs were dirty so he kept them outside. Because we were worried about the dogs getting hurt, we both went outside. Our dogs were barking loudly and trying to chase the bear away. My dad and I were frantically calling the dogs from the safety of the garage. The bear looked at us and paid no attention whatsoever to the dogs. He then turned around and slowly walked out of our driveway. As the bear walked away he looked like a big round ball of black fur, paying little attention to his surroundings. Ever since that day, one of my dogs barks at everything that moves, anticipating a bear. We believe that the bear occasionally comes for a visit based on the bear droppings that we find in our driveway.

  30. Sarah Porter
    Per 4

    It really bothers me when people are super close minded. Or, when they honestly think that their opinions are right and everyone else is wrong. Everyone should definitely be entitled to their own opinions. I especially hate it when people try and force their opinions on someone else. I’ve seen so many who look down on people who don’t share the same opinions or beliefs and I don’t get it. Also, I hate how quickly we are to judge others. People are encouraged to express themselves, believe what they want to believe. But then why are people so judgmental towards anyone who is different from them? People are afraid to think or act for themselves because of the opinions of others. Our society has been taught to judge based off of first impressions. This could be how someone is dressed, how they talk, how they act, how they look. How are we supposed to get to know others if we can’t help but instantly pass judgment about them as soon as we meet them? People’s personalities don’t necessarily have anything to do with their appearances. In my experience, first impressions are frequently wrong. But unless we actually step out and get to know others, how will we know?

  31. Joey Keating
    Period 4
    Prompt 2

    My biggest pet peeve is when people talk super loudly while in the theater. Seriously the appropriate thing to do while attending is to be quiet and polite. Going to the movies is much different than watching a movie at your house. At the house there is nobody to disturb but your friends. And its not like you can just turn around and tell them to shut the hell up because they will take it way to seriously and think it is something personal. I mean the people making all the noise have to know that they're doing something wrong!? Also, sometimes they will put their feet up on a seat right next to your face. This is an unpleasant sight and stench that nobody wants to encounter. What I would want to do is just casually lift up they're feet and place them on the floor behind me. Although doing something like this may cause an argument. I feel like the theater should set in place rules against these kinds of actions. Also, if somebody in the theater has an experience like this they may not want to come back. This in return hurts their business. After all it is a business that relies on their customers for money. So in the end it is not only me that is effected by these people.

  32. Jessica Bruce
    Period 4
    prompt #2

    I honestly can't stand when people chew their food with their mouth open. It is such a small thing but it literally bugs me so much. I don't understand why parents don't teach their kids to close their lips! It is so gross and rude. Honestly it takes no effort to close your lips over your teeth while your chewing and then nobody has to see that mass of food in your mouth get all ground up. Then I don't end up eating anything because why on earth would I want to eat my sandwich after seeing it turn into a mushy ball of goo in your mouth. Just take smaller bites so you don't have to show the world what your chewing! It just makes people look gross, rude, and undisciplined. And then there is that awful noise that chewing with an open mouth makes. The wet, sloppy grinding noise it makes is disgusting. The added bonus of eating with your mouth open is you get to share your food with everybody. Yep, like when it splashes out of your mouth and lands on other plates or even people. Ewwww!!!! When people combine chewing with their mouth open and talking it is an atrocious sight. Now there is spit and food flying everywhere and everyone can clearly see the mashed up concoction in your mouth. So please just do the world a favor and chew with your mouth closed. It will be much appreciated.

  33. i think we can all agree that LED light bulbs are rather boring. so i will now spend the next 13 sentences talking about the one on the shelf next to me. i bought it from ikea for 12.99 which was quite the steal. but ikea was not the beginning of this lights journey oh no,this light was manufactured in china most likely by starving children who work for about 100 yen a day(about a 1.50). but we can go even further back to the invention of the Light-Emitting Diode(LED) bulb by Oleg Lusev in 1927. or we can go even further back to the invention of the light bulb by Thomas Edison with his kite and key and jars full of filament. but if we are going to talk about Edison we had better talk of Nichola Tesla, Tesla took many of Edison's ideas and made them a thousand times better how ever many didn't realize his genius until after his death due to the slander by Edison who attempted to wipe his name off the face of the planet. but now i feel off topic let me tell you more about my light it is black and has a clamp in stead off a stand to hold onto the side of my book case which is very convenient. its light is bright but not harsh so it doesn't hurt when i look directly into it. it also has a switch that hangs down next to my bed which is really handy when, like now, i am doing homework or reading in bed. the lamp sometimes falls off its shelf because shelf is so thick and the clamp has a hard time holding it but other than that i like it. on the other hand the ceiling light pointing at me right now is super annoying. it is super harsh and every time i look up it blinds me. however the only provide light in small areas so there are a lot off dark corners in my room. i think monsters hide in those corners cause i never like going into them. i feel like i got super off topic but this is the last sentence so yeah.

  34. Julia McMichael
    Prompt #2

    My number one pet peeve is telemarketers. They are so infuriating! Not only will they call my house once, they will call it several times. What makes it so annoying is that my television is connected to our house phone so whenever someone calls we have caller I.D. so the name pops up on the screen. So I’m trying to relax and watch some shows but I can’t see the screen because the caller I.D. is blocking it. I also have three very yappy dogs who are extremely sensitive to noise so all three of them start barking at the same time. Then my green cheek conure will start to chirp loudly along with them. I don’t like talking to strangers on the phone but my younger sister has no fear. After they have called us several times my sister will pick up the phone and pretend to not speak English, can’t hear/understand them, or just say “go away”. She definitely knows how to get rid of them. What I find most ironic about them calling is that the telemarketers that call my house always call around three or four o’clock, and they always ask if our parents are home. They ask if they can talk to them but my parents are always at work by then yet the same people continue to call my house the next day! I wouldn’t find the telemarketers so annoying if they were actually trying to get us to donate to a charity or an organization. Instead the telemarketers are random businesses, religions, and political groups that are constantly wanting us to give them money or join something. I would think by the number of times that we have not answered or hung up on them, they would finally take a hint! I guess we should just get rid of our landline.

  35. Snowmobiling is the worlds greatest thing ever. If you think you can compete with this, I'm just going to ignore you... To start just the smell of the exhaust from the 2 stroke motors is just amazing. Then once you get out on the trail its just awesome to be able to pin the throttle and hit 80 mph easily. And off the trails there are play fields where the is deep powder snow and you can just carve and lean into corners and just float like a boat on glass like water. There's also hills where I can climb and side hill in between trees and maneuver around obstacles on steep hills. Most of my friends just wonder why I spend all my weekends driving 3 plus hours just to ride my snowmobile but the thing is that they don't even understand. Nothing they say is addicting as find that amazing powder snow field and tearing it up on a minus zero temp day. The actual best part is learning that next new maneuver or sending that next bigger jump. Pushing my friends and getting pushed to try the next hill climb and go higher. Then getting back to the cabin after a long fun day and watching the videos from that day and falling asleep knowing that your going to be waking up early again just to do it again at the next hill and the next trick.

  36. Gracelyn Nelson
    Period 3
    Prompt #2
    I am almost positive that I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, having said that, it is needless to say that I have many pet peeves. Some of my pet peeves include people walking slowly in front of me, yelling my name throughout the house (like Ozzie Osbourne yells for Sharron), people talking too loud over a movie or T.V. show, when people say acronyms that I don’t understand, and there are many more. However, my biggest pet peeve is that I don’t like to be touched or having people inside my personal bubble space.
    I get very tense when people get especially close to me or if they touch me when I’m not expecting it. When people do the “Taser” thing with their pointer fingers to somebody’s sides is an extremely terrifying experience for me and I would like people to stop. It is a struggle to even give my own parents a hug sometimes, which is quite sad, but true. My uncle and I have a secret handshake because he knows that I struggle with hugs, and that is why he is my favorite uncle. Just kidding, I love all my aunts and uncles the same, but I do respect that he gives me my space.
    Also, I absolutely hate crowded places because everyone is so close to me, and I get very hot and sweaty and the only thing I can possibly think about is how close the people are to me and I try to find a way out. My parents and I went to the Taste of Edmonds one year and I pretty much had a panic attack because it was so crowded and I needed to leave pretty much immediately. That wasn’t too horrible though because there was a fast escape route, if I ever get stuck in an elevator with a ton of people, then I’m screwed. I don’t know why I’m like this, but apparently my dad was the same way when he was my age. Although he gets upset when I give him “weak” hugs, which is quite annoying because a “weak” hug is the best hug I can give. The more I’m writing about this, the more I’m realizing that this might be more of a personal struggle rather than a pet peeve. Either way it annoys me to no end when people pop my personal bubble space.

  37. Joshua Scheck
    Period 3
    Prompt #2

    A very big pet peeve of mine is that I really hate it when people complain about a certain subject and don’t bother to attempt to fix it. They just keep on complaining about how difficult something is or how annoying a thing is. And in my point of view, I just don’t see the reasoning behind why someone would bother to waste that much energy complaining about some subject when they can just fix it. There are certain predicaments that are unfixable but those are pretty rare. Mostly, the complaints that bother me are just of simple problems. I really don’t know why these complaints bother me so much. But I think it may have resulted from how I was raised. My parents always tell me that I do not have the right to complain unless I attempted to solve the issue and came out with no good results. So I guess that may be the reason why I cringe every time I hear those kinds of complaints. I also believe that as I grew up, I established certain qualities that I admired in people which led to me establishing a hate towards those kind of people. I have some people that love to nag in my classes and complain about solvable issues and the classes just seem to last forever. It’s just so difficult to last through it… sometimes I feel like I wont make it through a day, especially on block days. The worst for me, is when someone constantly complains to you about the same problem on a daily basis. You give them advice but then they keep coming to you… complaining. Honestly when that happens I just try to space out so that I don’t have to go through that torture.

  38. Jace Brandmeier
    Period 4

    One of my biggest pet peeves is homework, especially homework that involves lots of writing. I have to say that I have never found writing to be an enjoyable activity. I actually find it quite stressful. I can never find anything to talk about. I can also never make it as long as it needs to be. I just have to drone on about something that is irrelevant to my life. Plus there is usually a specific font and a specific spacing, stuff that doesn't really matter. But I think that the most annoying part of writing is the prompt that is presented before you. If I really wanted to write in my free time, never mind I probably wouldn't. I do have one other pet peeve, and that is reading. Just reading I don’t really mind. But when what I read is chosen for me, that’s annoying. I like to choose when and what I read. I only read things that interest me and that aren't assignments. Well I don’t really have anything else to say.

  39. Taylor Ingrum
    Period 3

    Biggest Pet Peeve

    One of my biggest pet peeves are bicyclists that drive in the middle of the road or don't move over and let you pass. Since living in the North West, I have noticed that bicycling is a very popular sport. I have also noticed that a great majority of the roads are either curvy two-lanes or narrow one-lanes through neighborhoods. This can make it very frustrating when driving in a popular bicycling area. Whether it be driving to school, swim, work or a friends house, I am usually in a rush. Having to go 15mph behind a bicyclist that doesn't let me over just irritates me. So, how can I help the bicyclist realize the amount of irritation they cause me? Well, every once and awhile I will drive my brothers to karate which seems to be the perfect riding time for the bicyclists in my neighborhood. When stuck behind a slow rider that likes to take up the whole lane, my brothers role down their windows and cheer them on. "Whoa! Ten miles an hour?! Slow down speed Racer!" "Go! You can do it! C'mon!" "Yeah! Work those beefy calve muscles!" Those are just a few of the things they yell out the window as I slow down careful not to rear-end their fragile little back tire. I do feel a tiny bit mean when doing this, but then I think, they probably cant understand my brothers through their super cool and stylish helmets so maybe they think we're really giving them encouragement. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with bicyclists riding on the roads, but when I come across one that has no regard for cars that could easily take them out, I can't help but get annoyed.

  40. Ilya Bauer
    Per 4
    English class consists of writing papers, reading books, going to operas, going to plays, writing blogs, and sitting. Now all of that is just plain boring. There’s no way you can hype yourself up in order to sit through hours of listening to some old guy ramble on about the most random of topics. I could just fall asleep from just thinking about it. It wouldn’t be so excruciating if all of this was contained to the classroom but no you have to deal with it at home as well. You have to do assignments like this one every week. Writing some blog about LED light bulbs, or people chewing with their mouth open, or talking loudly in a theatre, or closed minded people, or any of the various boring topics that there are. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not criticizing anybody’s thoughts here. I totally agree with everything that was discussed. I just have no interest in them and wish that I didn’t have to come up with something original and could just copy one of the other creative ideas instead of spending the time to come up with my own. I understand that this is supposed to make me become a better writer and all that but all it’s really doing right is making me sleepy. I am glad though that we have a pretty chill teacher this year. I might just have to add a little bit of excitement to class though. Hell yeah! I’m finally done.

    1. thanks for taking the time to read mine that meant a lot

  41. Hannah Hunt, per. 3

    Western or WSU, that is the question. After visiting each school, interviews and too many statistics packets, I still don't know where I'm going to end up. I know I want to teach special education- it's a given, but I don't know where I'll go. WSU is a great school and I liked how Pullman is a true 'college town'. My interview with the head of Special Education was intense, but it gave me a good sense of what the program would actually be like. I have my grandparents and cousins less than 30 minutes from campus so I'd have a support system there as well as here at home. I liked the kind of 'family' atmosphere that WSU provided, and I liked how everything felt connected. My tour group got to go down on the football field which was really cool. Western doesn't have football, so I'd be missing out on that part of the college experience. But Western is comfortable and familiar to me. If I was plopped down into campus tomorrow, I'd know where to go. There's also the bay right next to it, which makes me feel like I'm not landlocked. And Bellingham is one of the coolest cities I've been too. I love everything about it. Being only an hour and a half away, it would be easy for me to drive home and see my family or go to Seattle for a concert. It would be a smoother transition from home to Western than home to WSU. During my interview with the head of Special Education at Western, I could see myself fitting right in. They have a major specifically for Special Education, while at WSU I would have to get my certificate through Elementary Education and it would take an additional semester to complete. However, I question the quality of Western's teaching program over WSU's. The intensity level at WSU was much higher than at Western, but that can't be the deciding factor. All in all, I think I'll end up at Western. I'll take comfort over making a huge leap to the other side of the state. But who knows, guess I'll have to wait and see.

  42. Sean Rankin
    Period 4
    Prompt #2

    Grass is one of the most fascinating plants in the world. In the U.S. alone lawns cover over 40 million acres of land. It is an important part of most of our backyards. Grass is a fundamental part of most sports. Could you imagine playing football and soccer on concrete? That would cause the already brutal sport of football to become a bloodbath. On average people spend over 300$ a year on gas and oil to keep there lawn mowers mowing.There are over 9,000 species of grass known to exist making it one of the largest species on earth. Some species of grass are edible and feed a large amount of people such as corn, rice and oats. Not only that but grass is the most important food source for cows which produce our milk and give us our beef. So following that logic grass helps produce a large amount of what most of us eat every day. Bamboo is the largest species of grass known it can grow up to 4 inches a day which is about 120 feet in a year. Most grass however can grow anywhere from 2 feet to 6 feet in a year. With all these facts how can it be boring to watch the grass grow?

  43. Michael Stiles
    Period 3
    Prompt #3

    I can never understand the weather we get in Washington. Its almost like were on are own compared to the rest of the country with cold mourning's and hot afternoons. I can never decide whether or not I need a jacket or a T-Shirt, and I always end up choosing the wrong attire for the day. If I could choose one weather pattern that I must often enjoyed here in Washington it would have to be the rain. For me the rain rinses the old in the air and on the ground and freshens the air I breathe, Its very therapeutic. The only music you can listen to on those rainy days would have to be grunge, anything else would be a crime. Its funny how most homes in the Seattle area don't have air-conditioning yet in the summer it can get 90+ degrees Fahrenheit making it impossible to survive. some families have no choice but to leave their windows open and with little kids running around this can be very dangerous because each year kids jump out of bedroom windows,so parents please be careful next summer. The winters in Seattle a very crazy, some years we get a few feet of snow while others we hardly get an inch. I can safely say that global warming is real (for those who don't believe) and its happening right now.

  44. Byron Murray
    Period 4

    The one thing that I hate the most out of anything else in this world is a stupid person who thinks Honda Civics are the coolest and fastest cars around. I mean come on man it’s a crappy ricer car that is wrong wheel drive. The worst kind of those types of people are the ones who talk about how cool that type of car is and then if you disagree with them they say something like " My car would win if you give it fifteen car lengths and at 100 roll because that's where my car makes boost" or something just as equally ridiculous. Then if you prove to them that they are wrong they won't admit it and then come up with some other worthless Honda car that they believe is way cooler than anything else. If someone truly believes something as ridiculous as a Honda being the best race car on the planet someone should seriously call the Guinness book of World records because that person would have to have the lowest IQ ever recorded in human history. Also I’m not super against Honda’s or anything and I’m not trying to say that they are horrible cars. I’ll admit that they are very reliable and that they’re cool because they are easy to turbocharge and all that but besides that there’s nothing really too special about them. When it comes to race cars they aren’t super stellar or outstanding. There are plenty of other cars that are way cooler and all around better than some Honda that you picked up for cheap and then slapped a turbo on. I believe that the main problem with these types of people are that they are super stubborn and don’t like to admit that they are wrong. They were probably just fed some misinformation and are super narrow minded about the subject and left no room for argument in their beliefs. I also feel really bad for those guys because they will just go around their life being stupid and saying nonsensical things that anyone who knew anything about cars would laugh at because it’s not true in any way, shape, or form. Another pet peeve of mind are the people who always drive super slow and have to go exactly the speed limit or even slower. Whenever someone does this it is super annoying because they end up holding up a few cars just because they can’t go a few mph higher than what the sign says even though its legal for them do to so. It makes things even worse if they know they are holding you up and still decide to go super slow and hold up a bunch of people when they should be pulling over to let them pass if they are holding up more than 5 cars which they usually are.

  45. Katie Daniels Period 4
    Prompt #2

    When it came to the question "what is your pet-peeve" i had a really hard time with this one. I tend to have a lot of pet peeves, almost too many. At first i thought of when people chew gum loudly, and how it drives me absolutely insane. However, after brainstorming several pet peeves of mine, i came to a conclusion. Everyday we see people, and i love interaction, however, Arrogance is something that i see almost on the daily. What i dont understand, is why arent we all equal? For some reason, each person seems to want to be better than the rest, and i drives me insane. I ask myself,why cant everyone just accept eachother and their differences? We are all important individuals, every single one of us. And somehow, Their is this motto now a days where people are just rude to others because they are "better" or "more popular", which i think is no exception. Respect should go out to everyone, no matter who you are. This world, this nation, and this community must learn to respect others, and that we are all just as important as one another. If a community can do that, and come together, i believe we would live in a lot better world.

  46. Andrew Hurst p.4
    Prompt #2

    Is taking care of your things really that hard; In all seriousness you can’t take the time to clean and maintain what you have.

    I hate it when someone has something really nice like a car or phone and doesn’t keep it clean or maintain it they just break it and go out and buy a new one. Why not keep what you have in good condition; in the long run it will save you time and money. Honestly why waist something you can fix, and upgrade it makes it more unique.

    It can be even worse when someone has something nice, breaks it because they didn’t take care of it then ask you to fix it. it’s one thing if it was something they had for a few years but when they come to you with a broken phone/car that they got less than 4 months ago it just make me want to take it and give it to someone who would take care of it.

    Here is an example one time a person came to me the day after the Fourth of July with a phone that he just got which advertised gorilla glass on the screen so he thought it would be a good idea to set off an M80 on it. He came to me with his phone with his screen destroyed and most of the internal chips fractured. How could you do something like that, why would you!!!

    I just don’t understand why or how people can do that to their stuff.

  47. Payton Tirrell Per. 4
    Stranger than fiction..... When I was 3 I was at my grandparents house petting their dog sasha and eating a lollipop. while doing this I had a seizure. this was not a random or first time occurrence cause I had been having them for years and earlier that day I had hit my head on a gate at daycare. This event was stranger than fiction because when I had the seizure I started choking on the lollipop. the lollipop was partially down my throat. The stick of it was sticking out of my mouth. My mom and grandma tried to pull the lollipop out by the stick but it broke. So they had to try and scoop it out with their fingers. While all this was happening the paramedics were on their way and a helicopter arrived to air-vac me to Harborview. Right as the paramedics and the helicopters showed up my Mom and grandma got the lollipop out of my mouth and I started breathing again. It was a crazy situation and something that I never want to happen again to me or anyone else.

  48. Evyn Anderson
    Stranger Than Fiction

    As we go through life, change is constantly happening. Whether it's something small like getting a haircut, or something drastic like a death, change happens everyday. One thing that I may never understand is how changes affect us. I have been through a few drastic changes in my lifetime. Most kids grow up in their hometown or maybe move around the area once or twice, but not many kids have moved to different countries before their 14th birthday. Moving to a different country for the first time was a huge change. My life was completely flipped upside down. This was a change that affected me greatly, both negatively and positively. I had to get used to a completely different culture, make new friends, and learn a new language. It was not easy. However, moving from Europe back to the US was a change that did not affect me greatly. This is something that still to this day confuses me. I think about my old life and how difficult it was for me to adjust. Compared to the slight adjustment of moving back to the US, I just don't understand why it was so much easier.

  49. Desirae Lopes

    Ballet. It's the ultimate of extreme sports. They train more then an Olympic athelete and get payed next to nothing. On top of that, they have to be 5'8" and weigh 105lbs to even be considered in a company spot. This sport is competitive due to the amount people who dance and the small amount of company spots available. A company is a collection of dancers, not allways ballet, that perform. An example is PNB. My dream is to one day be in a company, but it's not my realistic dream. I hate the walls they put around ballet dancers! I'll never have a spot in a company because of my height and the way I am built. It will never happen for me no matter what I do. It's a major steryotype that all male dancers are some how weak and feminine. This is SO not true! You cannot be weak and lift a person above your head at the same time. I have the utmost respect for male dancers. They have to endure more teasing and crap then most other male atheletes. It's so frusterating when people don't consider ballet to be a sport. We work our butts off for no recognition! It's an art form unlike any other. It's a desire, an addiction to perfection. Every joint, bone, musle has to be in place in order to land a turn perfectly, and if one hair is out of place, you can risk breaking a bone and perminetly ending your career. Most company ballet dancers have a career that ends at 30, sometimes at 25. It all depends on the commitment you have to tearing your body apart for an art form. It would be esier if I didn't love ballet; I would have more free time and less pain in my life. But I would also not be the person I am today.

  50. Chris Root Period 4
    My biggest pet peeve is bad drivers. I hate it when people don't use their turn signals. I get really angry at people who drive slow too. It's really not that hard to drive the speed limit! When people don't put on their turn signals until they get into a turn lane really ticks me off as well. The one thing people do that stresses me the most, is when they cut you off. All they are doing is putting themselves, and others in danger. It isn't that hard to just obey the laws. If everyone could obey the rules of the road, there would be no accidents. I don't like road rage either. A few times I have been flipped off for doing absolutely nothing wrong. It irritates me that people can be so rude. I also hate it when people cant stay in their own lane. I mean, how hard is it?! I wish everyone could be a defensive driver.

  51. Chris Root Period 4
    My biggest pet peeve is bad drivers. I hate it when people don't use their turn signals. I get really angry at people who drive slow too. It's really not that hard to drive the speed limit! When people don't put on their turn signals until they get into a turn lane really ticks me off as well. The one thing people do that stresses me the most, is when they cut you off. All they are doing is putting themselves, and others in danger. It isn't that hard to just obey the laws. If everyone could obey the rules of the road, there would be no accidents. I don't like road rage either. A few times I have been flipped off for doing absolutely nothing wrong. It irritates me that people can be so rude. I also hate it when people cant stay in their own lane. I mean, how hard is it?! I wish everyone could be a defensive driver.

  52. Chris Root Period 4
    My biggest pet peeve is bad drivers. I hate it when people don't use their turn signals. I get really angry at people who drive slow too. It's really not that hard to drive the speed limit! When people don't put on their turn signals until they get into a turn lane really ticks me off as well. The one thing people do that stresses me the most, is when they cut you off. All they are doing is putting themselves, and others in danger. It isn't that hard to just obey the laws. If everyone could obey the rules of the road, there would be no accidents. I don't like road rage either. A few times I have been flipped off for doing absolutely nothing wrong. It irritates me that people can be so rude. I also hate it when people cant stay in their own lane. I mean, how hard is it?! I wish everyone could be a defensive driver.

  53. Amin A. pd4
    Boring for fun....It was beautiful summer evening. I decided to go for a run. It took me a while to think of a destination. After a long time of thinking, I took off to a direction. In the long run I returned to my starting point.

  54. Tristan Liebrock
    Per 3
    Prompt 2

    I think that for me this year my biggest pet peeve is the sophomore class. I mean granted they are the youngest and the smallest, but that's not excuse. Take our first assembly this year. The juniors and seniors were loud and rowdy like always but the sophomore class? They were like a giant mass of suck that just sucked away all spirit. I mean sure it might be intimidating but when we were sophomores we had to loud or the then seniors would flip at us and scream at us until we were louder. Also there's the fact that they are so tiny. I mean sometimes I feel as if I wasn't paying much attention I could walk right into one of them because they are so short. And then there is the fact that they think that they are actually big. Look at them they try to act all macho by crowding the hallways, but in reality they are just little flies that are just annoying us. Lastly there is the fact of how many there are. I mean the class is huge but they feel as if they are the same size as us. I hope that they will get better towards the end of the year but I'm not going told my hold my breath.

  55. Robert Hawley
    Period 4
    Prompt 2

    Syria, yes I'm going here. I just don't understand how we can get ahead in a situation like the one we are in now. We either follow what the world says and aid a country in civil war (which also entails us being yelled at by the world for doing exactly what they asked us to do). Or we sit on our rumps and don't do a bloody thing about it, and we get criminalized for not doing anything to save the dying children. I know the United States isn't exactly the most popular country on the planet, but we seem to get the short end of the stick every time now a days. What if we just stopped interfering with other countries problems for 10 years? We would get yelled at for being inactive for a time yes. But eventually we would just end up fading into the background of world politics, we would step out of the spotlight and maybe let the people sort their own problems out for a generation. We would have no new grudges against us, we can stop dumping obscene amounts of money into our military budget, and we can increase a focus on trade with the rest of the world to get us out of debt. I'm a bit biased on this topic because I am a pacifist in most respects. But it just seems logical to take a long term solution that gets us out of the trouble that we had before, instead of a bunch of short term arrangements that keep us in the spotlight and that instigate grudges against our country. Why not let Russia or China pitch in for once in solving world problems? They seem to have an abundance of resources. Maybe not the massive military that the US has, but that's because they don't have a bankrupting military budget. I suppose I may not have the bast wealth of knowledge on the topic, but from what I understand this is the situation we are placed in. And its a pretty crappy one at that. Just my thoughts.

  56. Taryn Riegel
    Per. 4
    I have 2 pet peeves tied together so well they go hand in hand. I absolutely HATE it when people fish for compliments. But I also hate it when people compliment me. If I reject a compliment, then it may seem like I'm fishing for more. I definitely am not. Hearing people say things ("hey, your hair looks good today") drives me insane. Firstly, I didn't ask for your opinion. Secondly, I don't want your attention drawn to me because then you will notice more about me, which leads to noticing my flaws. Then when someone notices more about me, I go in a downward spiral of analyzing what I look like, which is a waste of time because it doesn't even matter. I hate it when people tell me "just accept the damn compliment!" Don't tell me what to do. I can't accept something that I don't believe nor agree with. Don't tell me I am good or pretty or funny based solely on your opinion of me. No one has crawled inside my skin or to the back of my mind. No one can say anything about me until they have explored every depth and crevice of my mind. Only I know who I really am and living inside of myself is like living in a rotting cage. I hate it when people try to convince me otherwise. It doesn't work. Appearance shouldn't matter.

  57. Campbell Gunnell p4
    nature, it's pretty cool. all them woodland creatures and trees and stuff. a lot of cool things come from nature like octopus, those things are awesome. they can fit through any hole the size of their beak. they're also super smart, they can open jars and solve puzzles and stuff. what if you put a laser on each arm, they would for sure take over the world. lots of other cool stuff comes from nature, like food. look at wild salmon vs. farm salmon the difference is astronomical. another thing, aliens they are probably real and made by nature. look at all them stars, how could there not be another life force out there? but if we look closer Saturn's moon titan which looks really promising for life under three hundred feet of ice. BOOM, you just got slapped in the face by nature.

  58. Bryia Madsion Period 3

    Boring for fun.

    What is dust made out of? Everyone just refers to it as "dust". I always thought that it was mixture of dirt and..well I'm unsure. Just small little particles that stick to objects left untouched. It has just come to our knowledge that over time, dust appears, but how? Air circulates and somehow these little particles end up on all of our stuff. Does this mean that we are covered in dust? Do we collect dust just like items left in the same place do? Could it be, that as we go through our lives, we collect dust, not just physically, but emotionally? Little by little, bit by bit over time, only becoming noticeable once enough has gathered, we humans collect dust.
