Monday, September 30, 2013

10-6-13 It Happened this Week

Don't forget to write your full name and class period on the first line of your entry.

Your response should be at least 15 complete sentences on one of the following topics:

  • Based on our reading of the Spotlight Guide to The Daughter of the Regiment and/or based on what we learned about the opera from Rob on Friday, discuss what you have learned so far about opera or Donizetti's Daughter of the Regiment in particular.
  • Choose a quotation from Much Ado About Nothing or a scene, write it out or describe the scene and then tell how this quotation or scene is important to the development of the play.
  • Write about the performance we went to of A Servant of Two Masters.  Discuss various decisions the director or actors made for this performance and explain why the choice worked or why it didn't.

For each response, write a complete paragraph with specific supporting details from the text, performance, or discussion.  Be brilliant, smart, and entertaining.  Make us all want to read what you write.


  1. Andrew Park
    Period 3
    Prompt #4

    Based on Rob's description of "The Daughter of the Regiment", it's an example of opera in a comic version. The opera follows the course of a typical movie. There is a beginning, turning point, falling point, and an ending. Tonio was the protagonist who seeks true love. Marquise of Birkensfeld, the main antagonist had a goal to prevent it. In the beginning, Tonio enlists as a member of the Regiment to achieve his major goal. He wanted to marry Marie. She was only allowed to marry one of the members of the Regiment. The turning point was when Marquise of Birkenfeld(an aristocrat) tries to convert Marie into one. She wanted Marie to get married to the Duchess of Krackentorp. Due to Marquise's efforts, Tonio's chances at Marie were vanishing in a hurry. As Tonio desperately needed to save his dwindling hopes for Marie. He raised his to a lieutenant. This became a start of the falling point. It's where Tonio reveals and spoils the futile plans from Marquise. At the end, all of France has saluted the marriage of Marie and Tonio.

  2. Jace Brandmeier
    Period 4

    Today Rob came into our class and I learned quite a bit. I learned that Gaetano Donizetti was born in Bergamo Italy in 1797. Donizetti spent a portion of his career writing operas in Naples Italy. But Donizetti found Naples to have strict censorship and moved to Paris. While in Paris he wrote La Fille Du Regiment. This is about a girl named Marie. Who grows up with a Regiment and eventually becomes one of them. Later she meets a guy named Tonio and falls in love. But all of the sudden a lady named Marquise comes along and finds out that her long lost niece Marie is with the regiment. She then attempts to take Marie away from the regiment. This makes all of them quite upset. From the spotlight packet I learned that the opera La Fille Du Regiment features belcanto and coloratura singing. It also contains one of the few times a tenor sings 9 high C’s in short succession of each other. La Fille Du Regiment has become a very popular opera. It is performed all around the world for a variety of people to enjoy.

  3. Mark Gibbons
    Period 4
    Daughter of the Regiment
    I learned a lot of stuff I didn't know thanks to Rob coming in. I learned where and when Donizetti was born. It was 1797 in Italy. I also learned why Donizetti started writing operas. It was interesting to me that Naples had a censorship so he had to move. I'm surprised that some plays censored plays and operas and others didn't. I don't get why they would do that because they where popular at that time. I learned that Donizetti wrote La fille Du Regiment in Paris after he left Naples. The opera features belcanto and coloratura singing. The opera is about a girl named Marie and a guy named Tonio. They fall in love but they face obstacles along the way. There are nine high C's in the play. I learned that high C's are really hard to hit. The main character that does all the high C's is really talented since few people can sing that high. La Fille Du Regiment is one of the most popular plays that has been produced and it is performed all around the world.

  4. Elena Wagar
    3 per.
    Gaetano Donizetti was born in Bergamo 1797. Donizetti was offered a contract to write operas in Naples. Writing in Rome, Milan and Naples he achieved popular success. He moved to Paris and wrote a very popular opera called ( La Fille Du Regiment) . This is about a girl Marie who was adopted by a regiment when they found her on the battlefield. She became a camp girl she followed them wherever they went. Later on she falls in love with this guy named Tonio. A lady named Marquise comes along Maries aunt and takes Marie with her. This left lots of arguement between Maries, Tony and Marquise. This operah contains Bel Canto and coloratura singing. It also has the 9 high C's which is really difficult to do. Im excited to see La Fille Du Regiment.

  5. Kate Matthews P3
    Much Ado About Nothing

    "That a woman conceived me, I thank her; that she brought me up, I likewise give her most humble thanks. But that I will have a recheat winded in my forehead or hang my bugle in an invisible baldrick, all women shall pardon me. Because I will not do them the wrong to mistrust any, I will do myself the right to trust none. And the fine is, for the which I may go the finer, I will live a bachelor.

    As the last line says, Benedick claims that he will remain a bachelor for the rest of his life. This is important to the development of the play because, as a person who has seen the play before, I know it'll come back and bite him in the ass. It'll remain a theme among both he and Beatrice that they will never fall in love, but as it always goes, they fall in love against their wills. Even someone who doesn't know the story could probably tell that Benedick will eat his words of remaining a bachelor. It could be that Shakespeare took the clichéd route of "sworn enemies" falling in love, or perhaps the theme is a cliché because of Shakespeare. Love is a timeless theme in literature, it has been executed for centuries without growing old. Even the most cynical can admit that love and relationships make good, if not at least interesting, stories. In talking of cynics, Benedick is one if I ever saw one. He is a prime example of how love can transform a man. I look forward to getting to experience how the actors will show this transformation in both Beatrice and Benedick.

  6. Abbey Folsom
    Period 3
    Servant of Two Masters

    I thought that this performance of A Servant of Two Masters was so great. It was light-hearted and I loved how they had jokes about current things and they interacted with the audience. You could tell the actors were having fun while performing it and they really enjoyed what they were doing. The script was easy to understand and they put their own twist to it with little bits of song lyrics and jokes. Also the little musical numbers were great, I think they worked to move the play along. Although, I felt like they could have made their point without swear words and crude jokes. It made me feel uncomfortable and I would’ve left if it weren’t an assignment. It was unnecessary to put that stuff in, they really just put it in to get more laughs but other parts of the play were just as funny to me as the crude parts were to the other audience members. Other than that, the performance had the Commedia del Arte theme with the masks worn by the Doctor, Pantalone, Truffaldino, and Brighella. I also enjoyed how they started with the lights in the sky and then how they ended the play with the lights and Truffaldino and Smeralderina dancing together, it really made it feel magical. The set was amazing and I loved how they had just a post with curtains on them as their main set. Also the sides of the stage had the feeling of an old theatre which helped the audience truly feel like they were in an old Commedia del Arte theatre. The whole play was a really enjoyable experience. I think the actors did a fantastic job portraying their characters. It was also great how the actors not only brought their characters to life but they also brought the play to life.

  7. Lily Kristjanson
    Per. 3
    For this performance of A Servant of Two Masters, the director chose to incorporate a lot of current and local humor. By doing so, a slight modern influence was felt through the performance. Personally, I felt that the added humor by the director, made the performance much more enjoyable. In subtle ways, the performers interacted with the audience. At times the comedy of the actors seemed so genuine, that it was difficult to tell if they were using improvisation or not. Doing so, kept our attention and focus on the play. The audience’s attention was also grabbed by the jokes said, that were specific to Seattle. With out the specific and modern humor added by the director, the attention of the audience would have been lost, and their focus on the characters would have been difficult to maintain. I also enjoyed the director’s choice to have the main stage prop be an arch with curtains. It was simple, yet did a fantastic job of switching scenes. It also allowed for some freedom of imagination to picture the setting. Overall, I was pleased with the performance of A Servant of Two Masters. The Director’s choices and incorporations kept me intrigued and interested, the entire performance. The few songs placed throughout the play were unexpected, yet appreciated. A Servant of Two Masters is a play that I would recommend to many.

  8. Jessica Bruce
    Period 4

    I really enjoyed this performance. I thought that the actors were very talented and I loved the current humor that they added in. My favorite joke was the one about the government being shut down. I was so surprised that the cast had worked an event so recent into their script. I also enjoyed the many pop culture references to songs such as Thrift Shop and Single Ladies. I thought that these references and more really added to the show. The constant jokes kept a smile on my face the entire time. In class when we were reading the play the situations were funny but there weren't many real jokes that were made. During this performance I was blown away by the amount of improvisation that was added to the play that really made the performance better.

    I also really enjoyed how both the beginning and the end were dark with tons of stars. I thought the set was very pretty and was amazed at the depth that was created with just lights. I was also impressed by the kitchen scene. The dishes flying everywhere were very comical and the loud clattering noises were also quite entertaining.

    Overall, I thought it was a great performance. I was pleasantly surprised by how funny I found it. This was a good first performance to go to.

  9. Arezu Abdollmohammadi, Period 4
    Servant of Two Masters

    I did not expect to laugh as hard as I did at the performance. The actors did a wonderful job at portraying their characters. When we read it in class, it made no sense to me at all. After watching the performance, it all made sense, and was filled with humorous jokes. I loved how the actors put in some jokes that had to do with present day. The government shutdown was the best. The jokes they put in worked because everyone could understand them. I loved the set, it was simple yet so much to it. I also enjoyed how the performance started out with the stars and lights and ended with them. It gave it a nice touch. Overall The Servant of Two Masters was more than I expected. I look forward to the other performances we will be attending this year.

  10. Mallori Lindberg
    Period 4

    The Servant of Two Masters was a great production, I really enjoyed seeing it performed live! I was surprised at how enthusiastic the actors were with not only their verbal script, but also their actions. The Director had them act very over the top and exaggerate everything, especially when it came to body movements and sound effects. This kept my attention and always was entertaining because there was always an action or comment that surprised me. In addition, the script was very modern. It included several references throughout the play to current events, such as the government being shutdown and popular song references to Macklemore. This made the play relate able to the audience. The frequent references to current events were found humorous too, the actors used them in very witty ways. The script was also written and changed in a way to where it included several crude comments. The original commedia dell'arte version probably didn't include as much crude humor, although it worked, and entertained the audience in a humorous manor. This crude humor paired with the exaggerated movements of the actors. Overall some of the play caught me off guard, and I found myself thinking to myself "did they really just say that.." The costumes of the actors also fit their characters really well, everything was very vibrant and eye catching, illuminating the actors. They didn't go through many costume changes so it was easy to keep track of which character was which. The use of wigs worked well too, it was funny when Florindo took his off. The audience was used to him flaunting his hair throughout the whole play. I am glad I got to see this production, I understood the plot and scenes much better after reading and seeing it.

  11. Chris Root
    Period 4

    This play made me laugh really hard. At first, I didn't expect what i had saw. When reading the script in class, it did not seem as funny as it actually was!
    The way the characters presented themselves was fantastic. The incorporation of crude humor made it even better. The role of Truffaldino was played fantastically. I came out of this play with more of a respect for the script then before. The set was very simple, but detailed at the same time. The directors did a great job with engaging the audience too. I honestly could not of asked for a better performance to go to. The overall acting made it much easier to understand whats going on. My favorite character was Truffaldino. His acting and humor stood out in front of the others. I felt like i learned a lot about this performance. I'm excited to see our upcoming events now too.

  12. Arthur Gulledge
    p 4

    I felt the play, A Servant of Two Masters did a wonderful job of combing modern with history. I thought it would've been easier to read the play first, to understand the story, but the play did such a great job telling it, I feel like I didn't need to. The use of minimalist scenery helped the play, as the scenes bounce about so fast, there would be too much time spent changing the sets instead. I really liked how the stage was set up to look like an outdoor horse cart, where the curtain was the divider of front and backstage. The use of the one curtain not only made it truly feel like how it was originally performed, but it also used in many other ways, such as an entrance or a door. The music felt out of place,to me as none of them were in the original, but I can see how it was important to have them, to an audience today that expects to have a musical number. I liked how after all the jokes, it still told the same story as the original piece, but I also found the original to be a bit too simple and boring. I think the performers did excellent balance of jokes to appeal to the older and the younger audiences. The amount of times a running joke can be said was a little over for me, and I started getting annoyed. I could deal the crude jokes, and the profanity, but it started to get less funny each time. I also felt some important scenes could have been executed in a better way. One example was the dinner scene, where I wanted to see Truffoldino to run back and forth between his two masters, not being behind the curtain. I also didn't understand what the stars at the beginning and the end were for, or what they represented. If that was explain I would've enjoyed it twenty percent more. All in all, I enjoyed the performance better than reading it in class.

  13. Arthur Gulledge
    p 4

    I felt the play, A Servant of Two Masters did a wonderful job of combing modern with history. I thought it would've been easier to read the play first, to understand the story, but the play did such a great job telling it, I feel like I didn't need to. The use of minimalist scenery helped the play, as the scenes bounce about so fast, there would be too much time spent changing the sets instead. I really liked how the stage was set up to look like an outdoor horse cart, where the curtain was the divider of front and backstage. The use of the one curtain not only made it truly feel like how it was originally performed, but it also used in many other ways, such as an entrance or a door. The music felt out of place,to me as none of them were in the original, but I can see how it was important to have them, to an audience today that expects to have a musical number. I liked how after all the jokes, it still told the same story as the original piece, but I also found the original to be a bit too simple and boring. I think the performers did excellent balance of jokes to appeal to the older and the younger audiences. The amount of times a running joke can be said was a little over for me, and I started getting annoyed. I could deal the crude jokes, and the profanity, but it started to get less funny each time. I also felt some important scenes could have been executed in a better way. One example was the dinner scene, where I wanted to see Truffoldino to run back and forth between his two masters, not being behind the curtain. I also didn't understand what the stars at the beginning and the end were for, or what they represented. If that was explain I would've enjoyed it twenty percent more. All in all, I enjoyed the performance better than reading it in class.

  14. Desirae Lopes

    I enjoyed the play. Some of it was a little too crude for my humor but I could see the comedia del arte in how the play was performed. I liked how the characters stayed true to the stock characters and that the story line followed the play almost perfectly. The lighting from downstage was a good descriptor of how the character was feeling during the sad or dramatic parts and it was helpful to have something like that that was consistent to set the mood. The use of the curtain was also enjoyable. Seeing the characters pretending to hide behind it or using it as a dramatic cue added more humor to the play; as did the light switch. Things like that added so much depth and life that, even though we already knew the story line, it kept us on the edge of our seats. When only reading the play, it was hard to imagine what kind of jokes would be told. After seeing this play I have a better understanding for comedia del arte.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Alison Mowry
    Period 4

    A Servant of Two Masters

    When we read the play in class, I didn't really understand what was going on throughout the story. Compared to what we read in class, and what I saw today at the play, I didn't expect to laugh and enjoy the play as much as I did. I was surprised at how many modern and current music references were added. I also loved how bright and exuberant the actors were. It kept me engaged in what was going on and I was always interested in what would happen next. I thought the combination of modern references and enthusiasm worked well for the play because the audience was all laughing and enjoying what was going on throughout the whole performance. I also really enjoyed the special effects with the lights at the beginning of the play, as well as the butterflies that appeared when the actresses were singing. The setting also worked well for the play. The use of the curtain in the middle of the stage made the setting open for interpretation which I thought was really interesting. Overall I enjoyed A Servant of Two Masters and was glad to finally understand what was happening in the story. Based on my experience today I'm excited for the next production we attend.

  17. Payton Tirrell Per. 4
    I really liked the play. It not only went with the script we read in class but it was also funny. I liked how they changed the play and made it more modern. I didn't feel like I was watching a play but rather a movie. It was definitely the opposite of what I thought it was going to be. I thought it was going to be some boring old play but it turned out to be really funny and entertaining. I liked the fact that it had a fun vibe to it. I felt like I was watching a sketch comedy type show on TV with the way they were making jokes all the time. I also thought it was cool how they acknowledged the audience and kinda talked to us and did things like throw the envelope into the crowd and went out into the crowd to get it. I also enjoyed how they referenced current events and celebrities. The play had a lot of explicit language and adult humor. Some people would've been offended by it but I thought it was very funny. Another thing that made it so entertaining was the fact that you could tell that the actors were genuinely having a good time. It wasn't just a job for them but something they do for fun. In my opinion the risks that they took payed off and made the play very entertaining. I would go see this play again and would definitely recommend it.

  18. Ashley Barnett
    The play A Servant of Two Masters was very funny. They made the speaking and humor very modern while the attire was very traditional. I thought that was interesting because I felt like that is how plays would have felt for views a long time ago, because the humor was funny to us and appealed to the audience. I thought this choice worked out for them because the audience was always laughing. But I did feel like they tried too hard at times and I kinda got tired of laughing. Also they really could only seem to appeal to a younger audience versus a more conservative adult audience which could be interesting because usually only adults go to see plays. I did enjoy it though and wasn’t ever board while I was watching it. I really enjoyed the effects like the stars at the beginning and the end. As well the butterflies and flying fish were really cool. And they also made it fun and interactive when they came into the audience which I thought was cool. I also really appreciated the government shut down joke that was defiantly my favorite line in the play! I liked it that they only had a small number of characters and that the characters did stage stuff like the butterflies and such. They made it so the story line was very easy to follow which was nice. Also the characters themselves were very funny and they each had their own personality which I thought was fun. Overall I really enjoyed the play!

  19. Gracie Legg
    Period 3

    Todays performance that we went to was called " A Servent of Two Masters". I thought it was a really good performance. I liked how the actors liked to make people laugh. They did a really good jobof making it comical. It made it funnier how they said things that related to us. It made the play much easier to understand. I loved the butterflies they used for special effects. I thought it was cool how they made the lights work and do what they did. The curtain was a big part of the play too. I really liked how friendly everyone as the play. It was actually probably one of the most funny thing I have seen in a while. It really kept me laughing. I am really looking forward to other productions that we attend because the one we saw today was amazing!

  20. The Servant of Two Masters was downright hilarious. I haven't seen anything that funny, in a very long time. I love how it was an enriching show, but still very funny. I really thought the whole time, that every single actor added their own touch to the show. They each had very strong personalities, and contributed to the funniness of the play. I loved the bright lights at the start and end of the play. They were so pretty! I also liked the butterfly effect. Truffaldino was my favorite character, playing the Servant. He always had the best comedic timing. Pantalone was also very funny, especially the scene where he was on the ground after doing the splits, trying to get up. I loved the part where one of the characters got fish too, that was very entertaining. I loved when the whole cast sang as a group also, especially the opening scene. The costuming was excellent as well!! They all had very unique, funny costumes on that added to the atmosphere of the play. The curtains were used a lot, from everything to bed sheets, to doors. That was a good idea, by the directors. I believe the actors improved at times, according to audience response. That was very cool. I loved how modern they made the play! All the current music references and the government shut down were very funny. I was highly entertained and was never bored, as I get as some plays. I loved the style of play, funny and current, while staying in a classic type of theme.

  21. Austin Stenberg

    From the performance we saw today I really enjoyed how funny it was. Because they made it relatable to present day comedies. I could easily follow the plot and could follow what was going on. From the reading I get lost and confused about who is who and where they are and what is going on. But being able to see people enacting it really helped me understand what was going on. The political parts of the play made it relatable to present day issues. With the actors talking in normal English is the best part. I really cant understand old English so it really helped. And made it every enjoyable for me to be able to easily follow what was going on. The funny stupidity of the servant made the play be a warm and funny comedy. With that choice from the directors it made it a funny and inviting play that was a nice change. And with the actors addressing the audience was nice because it made us feel included in what was going on.

  22. Tristan Liebrock, Per 3

    So looking back today, I honestly can say I have never laughed that hard at a play before. Now going in I knew it was going to be a fun and great play but when the actors first jumped out of the curtain and sung I had a really bad feeling. But they picked it up very well. I would actually see it again. Alright now onto what I thought, in one word amazing! The actors played off of each other perfectly, they made it a true comedy. Trufildeno( however you spell it was perfect), he acted with a sort of style that made his part unforgettable. Another thing I like about this version was all the references. Like the reference to UP was great, or all of the references to Macklemore couldn't have been better. All in all looking back it was totally worth every second we spent reading the script in class.

  23. Grace Nelson
    A Servant of Two Masters Performance

    The production of A Servant of Two Masters helped me understand the play after reading it in class, however it was much different than I had expected. I did not expect so many crude gestures and comments, but I guess that was to appeal to the different audience members. Some moments I felt they went a little overboard, like when Pantalone was pretty much humping the pole. In my opinion the two funniest actors were the ones playing Silvio and Florindo. Silvio totally reminded me of the kid from the movie Up, which I thought was pretty funny. Florindo was funny because he was just very over the top and fun the whole way through. I also thought that Truffaldino did a fantastic job playing the servant of two masters. I felt like he was doing the most improve out of anybody. Although I think he did a lot of improve, I also think he handled his other lines very well because we all know he had a lot of lines to memorize. I believe the most annoying character of the play was Clarice because she was making a weird anime face the whole time. Also, she hardly had any lines, she just made a whole lot of weird noises. That may be true to an original comedia del arte performer though, I’m not quite sure. I also wasn’t expecting as many cool stage effects, the stars for example, I thought that was quite cool. I did like how the performance was true to a comedia del arte, however I wished that some of the jokes would’ve been related more to the events that occurred during the time the play was written but a lot of the current humor was funny. Overall I thought the performance was very well done and it definitely kept me engaged and entertained the whole time.

  24. Maiah Swigert

    The performance we saw today was absolutely hilarious. When all of the actors first started singing and dancing at the beginning, I thought the play was going to be funny but kind of too young to be that entertaining of a play. But I thought the performance was perfect once it started taking off. I like how they used references to current music and events. Such as Macklemore and Adele and also the government shutdown. The difference between the script we read in class and the performance was that the performance turned out a lot funnier than expected and the choices they made in making the difference between the two were perfect. It worked really well and the actors did a fantastic job on playing each of the characters. The actor who played Truffaldino was incredible! I'd love to see the play again and I just really enjoyed the performance altogether.

  25. Taryn Riegel
    Per. 4

    When Rob came into class to talk about the Daughter of the Regiment, I had no idea what the play was about. At the end of the period I had acquired a lot more knowledge! Here are a few things I learned. It was made by Donizetti who was born in Italy in 1797. He wrote a lot of his works in Naples, Italy. Unfortunately, Naples had a lot of censorship. In order to keep writing, Donizetti had to move somewhere uncensored. The Daughter of the Regiment was written in Paris. He had to write it there because of Naples’ censorship. This famous play was about Marie and Tonio. They fall in love, but of course, Marie has to be taken away. Marquise, her aunt, found out Marie was the daughter of the Regiment and swiftly took her away after finding out she was with the Regiment. This piece contains many difficult arias and other singing parts. It contains nine high C’s sung rapidly in successive bursts. That is very difficult for most singers since it is such a high octave. The Daughter of the Regiment also has coloratura and belcanto singing. It is a widely loved play that has been seen around the world.

  26. Mimi Gerhardt, Period 4

    I truly wasn't expecting to laugh as much as I did at A Servant of Two Masters. Reading a script of a play is one thing, but then experiencing it and watching it happen live is definitely another. It was clear seeing who played who during the performance, which made the play easier to follow as well. I believe they really stuck with character from the script, even when adding in improvised humor. The crude jokes in between it all kept the show alive and even more hilarious than it already would have been if they kept it out. I thought the show was silly, to the point, and overall, fun! Besides the criteria of the performance, the set was perfect for the show. The simple etiquette it had seemed almost too right for A Servant of Two Masters. The curtain, making two separate "stages" was smart and made scenes hilarious, like in the dinner scene. Sitting in a higher level of the theatre was actually a bonus, in my opinion. Being higher up and a little to the side made it so I was able to see just about everything. I enjoyed being able to see offstage. It added another spectrum to the show, from seeing the tech crew walk around to seeing the cast members prepare for their next big scene. I don't know what it is, I just really loved seeing the extra bits of the show others might not have been able to witness. I'm definitely happy with the show and it makes me feel so excited for the other performances we get the chance to see later this year!

  27. Brandon Penoyer
    Period 3

    The performance we went to see was lovely in my opinion. The actors and directors decided to make a large number of edits to the original script, making references to modern subjects and changing up the dialogue to fit their audience's sense of humor better. I thought it worked out very well, given that there were few moments the audience wasn't laughing, myself included. I thought their choices were extraordinary, despite much of the content was quite a bit more adult than I expected. Not that I was bothered by this, it made the play more entertaining, but it was still unexpected. I think my very favorite part of the play was the beginning. Using a large number of lights, they created an illusion of fireflies escaping from the trunk that was on stage which then flew to the back part of the stage. It was artistic and a lovely way to open the performance. All in all, I think my expectations were met and outdone, so I'm very happy I was able to go.

  28. Danielle Knapik
    Period 3

    The play was was different than what I had expected. I knew the play was a comedy and had many comedic elements, but didn't expect sexual humor and current pop culture references to be a decision made by a director of such a play. The actors were all very talented and had great voices. Many of their lines were so thought and clever, it's amazing to know these people had to memorize so much. In one scene Truffoldino was showing someone how to set out food and ending up ranting and talking/singing for minutes on minutes- how long did that take to perfect?! I enjoyed the fact that there was little to no costume changes. Many plays and performances sometimes became drown in all the different changes and outfits, but this play no down time due to any changing. The way humor was written into this performance made it very easy to pay attention to because no more than 5 seconds would go by without a reason to laugh. I was also surprised by the many references to current news and popular music. Seeing that the general crowd was over 50 years old, Mackelmore isn't exactly the type of music for that age group so many of the lines the actors said, probably didn't even make sense to a lot of the audience. That factor made the play more interesting because the directors knew that the younger humor would also be appreciated. All aspects of this play hit many different religions, political groups and age groups overall leaving me with the thought that everyone would enjoy this play- there is something in it for everyone.

  29. I wasn't expecting the production today to make me laugh very much. Maybe a few forced laughs here and there, but nothing too much. I definitely judged this play too early. I thought it was downright hilarious! The last time I laughed so hard at a play was at The Book of Mormon on Broadway last spring. I didn't know what to expect out of that play either, but I loved it. the director's choice in both A Servant of Two Masters and The Book of Mormon of gripping the audience unexpectedly with crude humor was a smart one. It catches the audience somewhat off guard and draws them in as they watch and listen for more. Adding references to modern music like Macklemore kind of increased the play's credibility to the younger audience in a way. It made it more relatable, and made it funnier. The director also knows that sex sells, and he took every opportunity to interject some form of sexual innuendo. Hey, it worked. The whole audience had a smile on their face. I'd also like to know how much of the script was improvisation. When Truffaldino, dove into the audience to get the yellow piece of paper, I couldn't tell if that was improv or not. I could see cast members in the wings watching intently like they had never seen it happen before. I thought the entire production was very well done. I liked how the stage was set up, the actors, and the humor. It was a nice surprise!

  30. Bryia Madison
    Period 3

    Today's production was very comedic, just as Mr.Schindler assured us it would be. Reading the play in class, I wasn't quite sold on the idea that it would be as entertaining as it was. I mean, the mix up seemed too predictable and the lines too generic to be interesting. However, even though it was somewhat predictable, the lines were anything but generic.The actors certainly brought each character to life and amazed me with their over exaggerated body movement that enhanced each scene. The director certainly let the actors have some free range when it came to lines and it worked very well to their advantage. It got to the point where I couldn't tell what was improv and what was an actual scripted line, which was impressive. I especially thought that the line about the government shutdown was clever. Also, the actors used a 'three times the charm' line with "Microsoft!". From taking drama, I remember that a recurring joke throughout a production is something that is great for a comedic mood. What I thought didn't work was that the exaggerated body movement was sometimes hard to understand. I got the general gist of most, but some I was really just lost on. The fact that it was over exaggerated at all made it funny, but understanding the deeper meaning to the joke made some more funny than others. Overall, the production was much more impressive than I thought.

  31. Bryia Madison
    Period 3

    Today's production was very comedic, just as Mr.Schindler assured us it would be. Reading the play in class, I wasn't quite sold on the idea that it would be as entertaining as it was. I mean, the mix up seemed too predictable and the lines too generic to be interesting. However, even though it was somewhat predictable, the lines were anything but generic.The actors certainly brought each character to life and amazed me with their over exaggerated body movement that enhanced each scene. The director certainly let the actors have some free range when it came to lines and it worked very well to their advantage. It got to the point where I couldn't tell what was improv and what was an actual scripted line, which was impressive. I especially thought that the line about the government shutdown was clever. Also, the actors used a 'three times the charm' line with "Microsoft!". From taking drama, I remember that a recurring joke throughout a production is something that is great for a comedic mood. What I thought didn't work was that the exaggerated body movement was sometimes hard to understand. I got the general gist of most, but some I was really just lost on. The fact that it was over exaggerated at all made it funny, but understanding the deeper meaning to the joke made some more funny than others. Overall, the production was much more impressive than I thought.

  32. Sean Rankin
    Period 4

    The play that we saw today was The Servant of Two Masters, and it was fantastic. Honestly I didn't really expect to laugh that much because when we read the script it didn't seem that funny.It was shocking how well the actors conveyed the humor in the performance I could hardly stop from laughing. They had changed the original script slightly to get a laugh here and there although it didn't change the play significantly. They referenced things today such as health care, legalized marijuana, parking, and the government shutdown. One thing I noticed was the music I think that the sound effects were crucial to understanding the performance. This was all the more impressive because every sound came from two people. As a person who has not been to very many performances in the past I think this was a great first play to go to. Much like others i think that Truffaldino did a great job, I was really impressed with him and Pantalone. At the start I was unsure if i would like going to these performances but after this one I cant wait for the next.

  33. Isabelle Carson period 3
    In the performance of A Servant Of Two Masters, the director and actors made different decisions from the original plot. The biggest difference is the change in script. In this performance the actors say many things that relate to modern society. Examples would be popular songs of today, modern humor, and specific jokes about Seattle. They changed the script to relate more towards the modern audience. I thought this choice was a smart one because audiences can relate and understand the storyline thoroughly. The director also added musical numbers. I liked this addition because it made the performance more fun and entertaining. Plus, the actors had great singing voices. They also made the decision to make the stage resemble the classic comedia dell'arte stage. The costumes also resembled original attire. For example, the three main characters wore the classic masks and Truffaldino (Harlequin) wore the classic diamond-shape patterned clothing. These decisions were great because the performance had a modern twist which was relatable. But, on the other hand, it kept a classic touch. All in all, I liked this performance very much and I hope to see different shows by this theater company.

  34. Kristina Lebakken
    Per. 4

    The play today was definitely not what I was expecting. I was expecting it to be very boring, and that I would be wanting it to be over as soon as it started. Not only was I laughing but the whole theater was filled with peoples laughter. Also something that surprised me was how many people had come to see the play. I thought it was just going to be just the students from our class. I thought this play was put on very well. I was not expecting it to be as modern as it was. They often threw in references regarding things today and current events. For example the government shut down. Also the sexual humor made the play funny too. The actors and actresses did a great job. They looked like they really enjoy what they do. Also it was cool how they slightly interacted with the audience. When the servant was jumped over all the seats, and when they all ran off the stage. Also they had really good voices when they did their musical scenes. This play was definitely a pleasant surprise. Going to the play and watching it, was definitely better then reading it in class.

  35. Taylor Ingrum

    Going into the play today, I was not expecting to laugh as much as I did. I thought the director did a great job presenting it. The amount of comedic current affair issues included in the play was hilarious. For example, when the switch was turned off and the "I just turned off the government" line was said, was perfect. I also thought the director did a great job with the set design. It was simple and fun, which I though fit the play just right. The use of the curtain was so simple, yet the characters based the whole play around it. I thought the actors did a phenomenal job fitting the roles of their characters. They were professional but it was also obvious that they were having fun with it. Even when they went off stage, you could see them laughing and talking with each other. At times it was hard to believe that it was the same play we read in class because of how funny it was. Although some of the body language was a little hard to read at times, I found myself laughing anyway. I was not prepared for the crude humor and language at all. Surprisingly, I thought that it fit the atmosphere and characters very well. It gave the play more of a mature and lively feeling. I loved going to this play and am excited for the next!

  36. Like everyone else, I was surprised by the amount of humor in the play. The vulgarity in it almost made me think they made half of the jokes for the high school audience they knew they would have. All of the characters had lots of attitude, and the worst thing was at times i had difficulty understanding them because of slurred speech. I'm looking forward to a more mature and serious play, just for the experience, but was not let down by this one in the slightest. As far as learning about the different kinds of plays and operas, I've had difficulty retaining the information and a sheet of notes on it would be very helpful to me. I am interested in learning about them, I feel like it would make me sound very smart and cultured if I could have an intelligent conversation about theater, and would like more information on the different styles and genres.

  37. Ashley Glinn
    Period 3

    Before seeing the Servants of Two Masters today, I wasn't really too sure of what to expect. I had assumed that they performance would be more fitted to the script and that although it was a comedy, I definitely didn't think that the performance would make me laugh as much as it did! I was very pleased with the performance today, I loved that they were able to make the play more relatable by using current topics and events throughout the script. I was really surprised at how much energy and enthusiam each actor/actress had, and it definitely added some spark to the characters that they portrayed. I also enjoyed the fact that they always seemed to have some sort of interaction with the audience and I think that drew the crowd in to be more focused on the performance. They would occasionally talk to the audience, and they even had a scene where they ran out into the crowd and that definitely kept the audience on their feet. Not to mention, the stage design was simple and practical, but they used all of their props in such a way that it tied into the story perfectly. For example, two curtains and a passageway served as the main entryway for each scene. They used lighting in such a way that it would add a certain emotion to each scene. For dramatic scenes, there would be a single spotlight, but for happy moments, the entire stage would light up. At other times, there would be twinkling lights or lights hung across the ceiling of the theater that would light up to make the scene more romantic. I did happen to find that they seemed to try to be almost too funny. They would tell so many jokes just one after another, that is seemed to distract me from the original plot of the story itself. I was too focused on what they would try to do to make us laugh instead of what the performance was actually about. Overall though, I definitely enjoyed Seattle's production of The Servant of Two Masters and I think their modern age twist to the plotline and the selection of such enthusastic actors and actresses really added to the production itself. After today, I am so excited to see what these next performances are going to be like!

  38. Seeing the play A Servant of Two Masters was a great experience! When we were reading the script in class a lot of the comedic aspects of the play didn't come through. Once seeing it acted out on stage it was absolutely hilarious! I was not expecting it to be that funny or that I would laugh so hard. The way the characters overdramatized their lines and their body language really made this play so funny. They also added in a lot of lines to the original script that were not there before. There was lot's of modern references and jokes that made the play so relatable. For example, the government shutdown, healthcare, and Microsoft. There were also many pop culture references like Macklemore that people our age were able to easily relate to. There was also a lot of sexual humor from the characters of Florindo, Truffaldino, and Pantalone that the audience found hilarious. I thought the characters each did a very good job of finding a quality in their character and really exaggerating it, like Silvio dressing/ acting like a baby. I also like how there was only one set with very minimal props which made the actors have to rely on using their body language more. The tech in this play was also really cool. The beginning and ending of the play was really amazing with the way they made the lights look like shining stars and then have the moon appear. Overall I thought the production was fantastic and I was very amused!

  39. Mack Ohnemus
    Per. 3

    I thought The Servant of Two Masters today was amazing. I really liked how the director brought in so much modernness to the play. There were many jokes specific to Seattle, as well as to modern day issues. I thought it was really cool that they brought up the government shutdown, as it is so recent. Although I do wonder if that was just the actor improving. Sometimes when a director tries to make a show modern, the show loses its meaning, but not in this show. The director blended old and new perfectly. I loved the beginning in which there were lights in the sky at two different level of depth. I thought it was a great addition to the end as well to tie the play to the end. I noticed the use of their theater as a prop for the show. For example, when Truffaldino came out from behind the sky backdrop and it fell to the floor, as well as his knowledge of being in a play rather than pretending it was real life. I always think incorporating the audience is important, and when the paper "flew" out into the audience, it made everybody in the balconies, including myself, lean forward to see what was happening. Overall, this show blended multiple things to keep an audiences attention, which is vital to any show. From being up in the booth at Woodinville's theater during a show, I am able to see the whole audience, and many times I have seen people not return after intermission or just sit there with no emotions whatsoever.

  40. Spencer Read
    Period 3

    Personally, I enjoyed the play today. Though I knew it was going to be a comedy, I was certainly not expecting that. I expected a lot of old fashioned, dry humor. But, the way new, modern jokes were incorporated into the film made it very entertaining. It helped give a sort of feel from the time the story was written. It provided a look into the culture of the time it was written, while also providing a humor that a modern audience could enjoy. Not only the jokes and puns themselves, but the pure abruptness and rigidity of the vulgarity was hilarious. There was no hinting or subtle-ness at the cussing, it was just thrown out there. This was a good decision by the director, because it provided an interest for different types of people. Also, the choices of actors was very good. The people were perfectly selected for their parts. Also, there were more serious parts. Parts where there was a true romantic, passionate feel to it. I also enjoyed how talented and well-versed all of the actors were. They knew their parts dead on. Especially their quick sentences and times where they quickly tossed around words and vocal noises. The precision that they executed was very impressive. I really enjoyed the play, because it was a new, different experience for me. It had been years since I had been in a play-environment like that, and will be interested to experience more in the future.

  41. Joey Keating
    P. 4

    A Servant of two Masters was a much better performance than I expected. I assumed that Schin-daddy was saying that we would like the play just so we would want to go. But the play was in fact very funny and entertaining. I liked how the play wasn't so serious all the time. There was a bunch of comedic belief that really helped the play grow and expand. The play included a lot of real life humor also which was great. For example they used the government shut down as part of the play which was super funny. Although there were parts in the play that were kind of uncalled for. Like the play had some pretty raunchy parts that made you stop and think, what is this play again. I think the play may have been better if the did more things with the crowd that were unscripted. Because the one unscripted part that they had was really funny. Also the actors are naturally funny people and really get into there character. A play where people don't act there part is always terrible. But they still did a very good job of playing there parts and having fun with them. I can only hope that the rest of these plays that we go to were as good as this one.

  42. Byron Murray
    Period 4 Humanities
    At the play A Servant of Two Masters I liked how the cast went in and out of role a little bit during the play. Although before I had watched the play I wasn’t very excited about it. I originally thought that it was going to be something super lame and that I wouldn’t enjoy it and I would suffer through the entire performance. Much to my surprise the experience that I had was the complete opposite. In fact I was very happy that I had watched the play even though I am not a fan of live performances like that. I found it very funny and cool how they did things such as turn the lights on and off and then say very witty things like “f***king government shutdown” and other such things. By doing this it made the actors seem more like people to me than just a person playing a role and I felt like there was a little bit of connection too which made me more interested in the play and what was going on. A good example of this is when they used jokes that were specific to the Seattle area. When they used the Seattle jokes it sort of strengthened that bond you had with the actors in the play because they were from where you were from and makes the experience way more enjoyable. It was also cool how they added in bits of improv in the play with the jokes and the way they would act things out and add in references from present day into the play. By incorporating modern day issues into the play I felt that it really helped the audience keep focused on the play and captivate their attention. Also by changing up the play it made it less bland and more enjoyable to watch than just someone acting out everything line by line the way it was written. All of the choices made by the actors and directors were good ones in my opinion because they made the play so much more fun and it added a lot more to the experience. By having the actors improv every now and then it made the play something unique that more than likely wouldn’t be performed again. I found it especially pleasing that whenever they incorporated something modern into the play it didn’t really mess with what was going on in the play and the story that was taking place. All in all I thought that the play was excellently performed and directed and I look forward to watching another play by that theater.

  43. Joshua Scheck
    Period 3
    I thought that the play, The Servant of Two Masters was well executed. What surprised me the most about the play was that it seemed like the script wasn’t used to the exact word most of the time. It seemed like the director allowed the actors to improv most of it which gave it a really unique feel. I really think that if the director allowed this level of improv then the audience would truly get a unique show every time they watch the play. The director could’ve also improvised the script to add modern day elements in it as well but I’m not entirely sure since I don’t have their official script. Another thing about the play that I thought was well done was the lighting. When the character would be thinking and talking to themselves the lights would suddenly start dimming. But in a gradual rate which was a very seamless transition that also was a really good indication to the audience on what was exactly happening. Another thing I enjoyed about the play was that the actors would try to include the audience in the action. Which creates a level of interactivity in the play which I feel is more engaging. Another thing that I enjoyed about the play was that it seemed to be more suited to adult minds. Because there was frequent cussing and sexual symbolism which I thought made it a lot funnier. To conclude this, I feel that the play was amazingly executed. They essentially modernized the play to suit their audience. I was just really surprised with how this play was. Like I honestly thought it was going to be boring but I was very wrong.

  44. the play, A Servant and Two Masters had low expectations going into it for me. but the dialog and up to date comedic humor left me gasping for air. it felt as like the play went by so fast because we were all having fun. such as when truf. turned the lights out and said "fucking government shutdown" so hilarious. and the weirdness from federigo made it hastarical when he did his sex noises. overall I loved the play and cant wait for the next comedy we go to.

  45. Katie Daniels
    Period 4
    Going to the play The Servant of Two Masters, was a completely different experience than what i was expecting. Walking into the theater, i was thinking to myself how this play is going to be more boring than others made it sound. However, i was very wrong. The second the play started, i had an entire new look at it. The characters had so much energy, and were so cheerful, which was the opposite of what i expected. I became so interested in the plot, and was enjoying every minute of it. I believe that the great humor of the characters is what made it more exciting for me. The explicit humor, actually made the play very funny. Listening to the entire crowd burst out laughing throughout the theater, as very refreshing to me, and made me enjoy it even more. Their was just so much laughter going on, and such a pleasant crowd, that i was quite shocked at what a great experience it was for me. I was very wrong about this entire play aspect, and today's play had me have a completely new, positive attitude about it. I am also looking forward to the rest of this years outings, as i enjoyed this one very much.

  46. Alex Rees
    Period 3

    Today's performance "A Servant of Two Masters" was great. Something that threw me off what how funny it was. It made me laugh for sure! Things that also made me enjoy the play was things that we could relate to like the government shut down or popular songs that they incorporated into the act to get a laugh out of us. Of course this was out of script. They used improv to create a more natural kind of acting. Not like where you know they are remembering a scrip kind of acting where the acting is like predictable. This was great because it added another modern kind of version to the play while sticking to its roots. Making the truffledino one of the funniest characters was the best choice because he would know how to make the crowd laugh. This was curtail because it would become very boring and wouldn't make sense to some of us. With the help of other characters in the play, this was a very humorous production that I enjoyed very much.

  47. Laney McFarland
    Period 4
    Hmm being the type of person who loves romantic comedies, I always have high exceptions when I'm going to see one. But for some strange reason i thought this was written in 1743, no way this can be good. But was I so wrong, it was fantastic! I loved how they would totally go off script with there own commentary, I recall when he turned off the lights and compared it to the government shutdown especially funny! I also really enjoyed how well each of the roles were portrayed, nothing like how I imagined them. When we read the scripts in class Truffaldino wasnt nearly that funny! This play has really set the bar for the rest of them, and I cant wait for more!

  48. Maddy Nehme

    Todays play was really nothing that I had expected. I think that's a good thing though, the play was hilarious, and so enjoyable! It had me interested the entire time. I really didn't expect it to be so funny, I was actually laughing out loud which I normally don't do, not even during funny movies! Something I really loved about the play was how they made so many references to pop culture! Although they may have made a few to many, it helped me form a stronger connection to the play and made it a lot more fun for the young folks to watch! Although the play was inappropriate at times, I could tell that the audience was mature enough to handle it although I could tell a few of my classmates were a little uncomfortable. My favorite character was Truffaldino. He was the easiest for me to relate to and he was just so funny! His stupidity and clumsiness kept me interested the whole time. The play was completely unpredictable and nothing like what I pictured while reading the book. I think its always great to see a story from another perspective, especially a play. Seeing todays performance makes me so excited to go to all the future events! :)

  49. Riley Schroeder
    Per 3
    Seeing The Servant of Two Masters was much different than i had expected. I was expecting a performance that closely resembled the class reading it out, but it surprised me how different it was. It makes sense, since we have learned that a lot of these plays were improv and not set in stone in terms of the lines. The modern references to songs, iphones, and general pop-culture was funny and kind of caught me off guard since they were wearing costumes that would fit the time period. But it worked and made the play very funny and enjoyable. I also liked how some of the costumes included masks and costumes that fit the character outline sheets we had gotten at the start of the year. The actors all did a great job in their over the top body language and speaking. The overall craziness of the play was captured very well and it was fun to see the actors interacting with people in the first few rows from time to time. In the same way i enjoyed how they would do sound effects of crashing and from time to time they would acknowledge this and break the fourth wall again. One of my favorite moments was the kitchen scene which was done very well. Another one of my favorite parts was the instrumental set-up with the two people off to the side playing so many instruments. I just found their multi-tasking to be impressive and loved when the play included them from time to time. The actors obviously know what they are doing and were comfortable with each other and with the stage. It is nice to see the great interactions which really helps make the story that much better. This show was very great and very enjoyable, and i look forward to the upcoming shows.

  50. Sophea Thach
    Period 4

    The Servant of Two Masters was so funny! I enjoyed every second of it. When I first read the play, I couldn't understand much and follow along because I kept getting confused with all the characters. But after watching the play today, I understand it so much better. I like that the play was funny and the actors/actresses enjoyed what they were doing. They didn't act like they didn't want to be there on stage. They kept the audience laughing and clapping and there were rarely any boring parts of the play. I liked that there was cussing, although some people didn't like it. I liked that there were jokes in it that relate to the present now, like about the government shutdown. I liked when they added in songs that are popular now like Thriftshop and Rolling in the Deep. I personally thought the play would be boring and that the actors would take their job very seriously, but they didn't really. They decided to make the play enjoyable especially for teenagers. By adding in their own flare into this play, it was enjoyable. To singing and dancing and how dramatic it was, I liked the play. I would definitely recommend this play for other people to watch.

  51. Cammpbell Gunnell p4
    in my opinion the play we saw today was very well done and was funny as hell. that being said the director took quite a few liberty's in regards to the original script. he cut in a lot of modern references and had the actors interact with the crowd. but i think all of this is a good thing. old humor is very hard to portray to a modern audience because no matter how good of a job you do it will not be as funny. there would be just to many jokes that aren't funny in this time period, so adding things about current events let us the audience relate to the jokes and we are able to find them very funny. one thing i did not particularly love however was claudia's dress. it was very bright and annoying. all the other characters wore muted colors except her and silvio's cloak. they should have done that differently in my opinion but they are professionals for a reason. something i'm not quite sure i feel about was brighella, he was completely different than how i imagined and i'm not sure how that makes me feel. i expected him to be a big very serious young man. however i was not expecting the play to be that funny i spent a good deal of time laughing on the edge of my seat. nice choice shindaddy.

  52. Michael Stiles
    Period 3

    I was truly amazed of my experience seeing The Servant of Two Masters. I had such a good time during the entire show, not once did I fall asleep. I laughed from beginning to end. My favorite part would have to be when Truffaldino throw the letter into the audience and he later jumped into the audience to retrieve it. Throughout the show I noticed that many of the jokes either had a sexual tone, reference to current events or just something to do with Seattle. I feel that anyone can get a good understanding of this play because of how the actors interacted with the audience and made it a bit easier to understand. I didn't understand the play before the show mostly because reading in class was just too boring for me but now I can safely say I understand The Tale Of Two Servants. I hope the rest of our performance this year go as well as it did today.

  53. Evyn Anderson, P4

    I found the performance of A Servant of Two Masters surprisingly enjoyable. Going into it I was not expecting it to be such a funny and entertaining play. Because the play was written so long ago I was expecting something more historically accurate. However, the addition of modern humor definitely made it easier to understand and enjoy. All the characters were funny, but I think my favorite character was Pantalone. He was goofy and animated and I found him extremely amusing. I loved how all the characters were so into their roles. Another aspect that made the performance so entertaining was the music and sound effects. Music is a crucial part of any play or musical and I found the composition perfect. The songs were amusing as well. Finally, I found the costumes and set perfect for the play. They were colorful and eye catching. The special effects were cool too. For example, when the lights went out but there were still little sparkles. All in all it was a great performance!

  54. Claire Kennedy
    Period 3
    Daughter of the Regiment

    Gaetano Donizetti was born in 1797 in Bergamo. He wrote in Rome, Naples and Milan and was very successful. It wasn’t until he moved to Paris when he wrote one of his most popular operas. “The Daughter of the Regiment” is a comic version of an opera. The events follow what a normal movie would look like. This opera is about a girl who was adopted by a regiment. Marie becomes a camp girl as she follows them everywhere. A boy named Tonio enlists in the regiment, ultimately to marry Marie because she can only marry someone from the regiment. Marquise of Birkenfeld tried to convert Marie into an aristocrat, just like herself. In her efforts she tries to get Marie to marry a fellow aristocrat. Tonio was losing hope as Marquise seemed to be succeeding. Before she can, Tonio reveals the plans of Marquise. In the end, Marie and Tonio are happily married. “The Daughter of the Regiment” involves Bel Canto as well as coloratura singing. It also contains the 9 high C’s, which is a very difficult thing to sing in such short succession. It is an incredibly popular play, produced and performed all over the world.

  55. Nessa Broughton
    Period 3
    I was very pleasantly surprised about how silly and comical the character in the performance were made out to be. Perhaps I just read things to seriously or have a less comically inclined imagination but I was delighted at the body movements and the energy of the actors as well as what I assume to be improvised lines. It was wholly enjoyable. The Pantaloon, I thought was played by the actor with the best body language. He reminded me greatly of a puppet which I in turn connected it to Labyrinth. A fantastic movie to watch if you enjoy puppets. I look forward to seeing other like it.

  56. Andrew Hurst
    Opera, a tradition that many enjoy to this day. Opera helps define the culture of France, Italy, Russia, and many more. As with any art form many people try to discourage mixing with other cultures to keep their culture in a way that can represent them. Even with the resistance some get in creating a blend of cultures. This is the case with Donizetti's Daughter of the Regiment one of Donizetti's operas which has its origins in Italy, but was adapted to French culture. This hybrid of cultures, created a mix that lasted throughout the ages. We can still enjoy this clash of culture today with even more mix than before; A Italian opera with a French conversion, and an American stylization this is bound to be something exciting to see, hear, and enjoy in the moment and out. The question is what other nuances can we see form previous culture clashes with Italian, and French theater; What will this opera feel more like a French opera, an Italian one, or more American? This will just be something we will have to see and hear to truly understand.

  57. Robert Hawley
    Period 4

    I was honestly surprised by the servent of two masters. I knew it was comedy, but I had no idea that it would be comedic about everything. Going off of previous knowledge of the era that the play was written in, I expected a slightly serious undertone. But every single line was chalk full of one liners and other cheesy motions. Also that it was so current was shocking. The plays on the government shut down being associated with power outages. And reciting Macklemore and other artists. It all caught me off guard. Not in a bad way, just surprising. I absolutely enjoyed the play as a whole, and the cast was quite charming as well. It is good to see that older material can still hold up in modern theaters. The one thing that did bug me about the play though, was that they broke the 4th wall so frequently. On one count, Truffaldino actually entered the seated section. The references to modern culture were nice, but when they cram so many into what is supposed to be a renaissance time period, it kind of ruins the setting. I felt that it should have remained in its previous form, or simply the original script (if at all possible). I can see the appeal to some members of the crowd, but maybe I'm just stuck in the old ways.
