Wednesday, April 30, 2014

May 4: The Tales of Hoffmann

Remember to write you full name and class period on the first line of your comment.

Write a 15 sentence response to the opera.  In your response, you can write about the singing, sets, costumes, orchestra, the story, the display of automatons that was in the lobby; in other words, write about any aspect of the production and/or the performance that you want to.  Use specific details from the opera to support what you say.

If you could not go to the opera, write 15 sentences about your art history style.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 27 Art History II or Tales of Hoffmann

Remember to write your full name and class period on the first line of you entry.

Two choices this week:

1.  Write at least 15 sentences about what you learned from Rob about The Tales of Hoffmann.
2.  Write at least 15 sentences about what you learned from me about the styles of Art History II.

As always, be brilliant, insightful, creative, and wildly entertaining. 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Spring Break

There is not blog during spring break.  
Enjoy your time off.  And be good, but if you can't be good be safe.